FY 2018 Enhancing Behavioral Health Workforce Supplemental Funding Opportunity for Health Centers
Technical Assistance
Technical Assistance for Award Recipients
The following resources are available to help you respond to award conditions applied in your Notice of Award. Send questions to bphcsupplement@hrsa.gov.
For a complete list of FY 2018 EBHW award recipients, visit EBHW Awards.
SF-424A Form (PDF - 323 KB)
Project Work Plan Instructions and Sample (PDF - 144 KB)
Budget Narrative Instructions and Sample (PDF - 342 KB)
Two aligned fiscal year (FY) 2018 HRSA supplemental awards will increase access to quality opioid use disorder (OUD) and other substance use disorder (SUD) treatment by increasing the number of professionals and paraprofessionals trained to deliver behavioral health and primary care services as part of integrated, interprofessional teams in HRSA-supported health centers. The period of performance is two years: September 1, 2018 – August 31, 2020.
- HRSA made 21 FY 2018 Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training (BHWET) Program Supplement awards (HRSA-18-112).
- HRSA made 54 FY 2018 Enhancing Behavioral Health Workforce Supplement awards to health centers partnering with HRSA-18-112 award recipients. Health centers will use these funds to improve access to needed mental health and SUD services by enhancing their education infrastructures, delivering quality experiential training to BHWET partners’ students, and improving their own integrated, interprofessional behavioral health and primary care teams.
Partnering Health Center Requirements
Requirement | Data Source |
Provide mental health and SUD services either directly or through formal or written agreement for which the health center pays at the time of application and will throughout the two-year funding period. | Current Form 5A |
Have physicians, certified nurse practitioners, and/or physician assistants, on-site or with whom the health center has contracts, who have obtained a Drug Addiction Treatment Act (DATA) of 2000 waiver to treat OUD with medications specifically approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for that indication. | Uniform Data System Report |
Updated: Have patients who received medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for OUD from a physician, certified nurse practitioner, or physician assistant with a DATA 2000 waiver working on behalf of the health center. | Uniform Data System Report or MOU/A |
Will develop, host in academic years 2018-2019 and 2019-2020, and evaluate at least annually experiential rotations for individuals preparing to become social workers, psychologists, counselors, addiction counselors, paraprofessionals, or community workers, and that will teach integrated behavioral health and primary care services, and OUD and other SUD treatment, including MAT. | MOU/A |
Who Are the Enhancing Behavioral Health Workforce Award Recipients?
Health centers that meet all of the following requirements:
- Receive Health Center Program operational grant funding at the time of the HRSA-18-112 notice of funding opportunity release;
- Meet all the Partnering Health Center Requirements; and
- Sign an MOU/A with a HRSA-18-112 award recipient. The signed MOU/A must be included in the submitted HRSA-18-112 application and demonstrate that the health center fulfills each of the Partnering Health Center Requirements.
Technical Assistance
- HRSA’s Response to the Opioid Crisis
- General information about the BHWET program
- HRSA-18-112 notice of funding opportunity (PDF - 245 KB)
- HRSA-18-112 Applicant Technical Assistance Webinar
- HRSA-18-112 Applicant Technical Assistance Presentation (PDF - 1 MB)
- Eligible BHWET partners (Please use a browser other than Internet Explorer)
- HRSA-supported National Training and Technical Assistance Cooperative Agreements (NCAs) addressing workforce: Community Health Center, Inc.
and Association of Clinicians for the Underserved (ACU) Star Center
- Center for Integrated Health Solutions
- Providers' Clinical Support System for Opioid Therapies
and Medication-Assisted Treatment Training
- BPHC Behavioral Health Integration Resources for Health Centers
- BPHC Substance Use Warmline
- Uniform Data System Resources
Date Last Reviewed: September 2018
Program Information
Bureau of Primary Health Care
Budget Information
Vera Windham
Senior Grants Management Specialist
Office of Federal Assistance Management
EHB Assistance
Health Center Program Support Web Request Form | 877-464-4772
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