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  2. FY 2023 Early Childhood Development (ECD) Example Work Plan

FY 2023 Early Childhood Development (ECD) Example Work Plan

You will complete a work plan as part of the ECD application in the HRSA Electronic Handbooks (EHBs). Your work plan should outline activities that will help you achieve the ECD objectives:

  • Increase the number of children ages 0-5 who receive recommended developmental screenings.
  • Increase the number of children and their families assisted with accessing appropriate follow-up services within 30 days of a developmental screening identifying an area of concern.

The following incomplete example is provided for reference only. Ensure that your work plan includes at least one activity area for each focus area. Note that each activity must have an associated activity area, and the “Team-Based Care Coordination” activity area under the Patient/Caregiver Experience focus area is required. You may add as many activities as desired to describe your proposed project fully. See section IV.2.v of the ECD NOFO for guidance on completing your work plan.

Focus Area

All focus areas are pre-populated and required.
Activity Area

Select from the prepopulated list of activity areas or write your own under “other.” At least one activity area is required per focus area. 

For reference, the activity areas are listed in Section
IV.2.v of the ECD NOFO.

At least one activity is required per activity area. Include as many activities as necessary to fully outline your ECD plans.


Identify if the activity will occur in Year 1 (September 1, 2023-August 31, 2024), Year 2 (September 1, 2024-August 31, 2025), or will be ongoing throughout the 2 years of performance.

Workforce Recruitment, Retention, Development, and Engagement  Workforce training, including training health center staff to expand or enhance early childhood expertise Train pediatrician to deepen ECD expertise and become our health center’s ECD champion; train early childhood mental health professional and patient education specialist (to be hired) to conduct ECD screening and lead patient education efforts. Year One
Patient/Caregiver Experience Team-based care coordination Hold monthly “chart review” meetings with partnering developmental service providers to review treatment plans and patient progress for targeted cases, and facilitate in-person and electronic information/data exchange.  Ongoing
Access and Affordability Patient education Add 1.0 FTE patient education specialist to provide standard information to families of young children on the importance of ECD screenings and follow-up services after a developmental screening identifies an area of concern. Ongoing
Population Health and Health-Related Social Needs Care coordination and patient/caregiver navigation Providers meet routinely with parents to co-create an action plan with concrete steps to connect patients to needed follow-up services and address existing barriers to access, such as linkage to financial support options.  Ongoing


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