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NTTAP NCC Sample FY 2023 Progress Update Form

Review the sample form to see how to report progress on your activities. Include progress to date (July 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023) and progress you expect to make during the rest of the FY 2023 budget period (January 1, 2024 – June 30, 2024).

Your updates should complement the FY 2023 Project Narrative Update form and give more detail on progress for each objective and planned activity.

What information is already on the form?

The form will include information from your most recent approved project work plan (PWP).

Can I edit this content?

You cannot edit this content. But you should review it. Contact Health Center Program Support if you find any errors.

We mark editable fields with an asterisk.  The fields in italics are not editable.

How should I complete the project update fields?

Review the FY 2024 NTTAP NCC progress report instructions (PDF - 953 KB). This sample shows the level of detail we need from you.  

Sample Progress Update Form 

Objective Title Objective 3. Advancing Health Equity 
Objective Description Increase the number of health centers that receive T/TA on identifying and addressing disparities and inequities in care delivery and health outcomes.  
Baseline Number 0
Baseline Data Source Listed as “0” as instructed in Appendix B of the NOFO.
Current Number* 57
Objective Target  150
Percent Progress Toward Objective Target 38% (Calculated based on Current Number entered.)
Objective Impact Narrative 

We expect to train 150 health centers on identifying and addressing disparities and inequities in care delivery settings to improve health outcomes by the end of the period of performance. The training will focus on the clinical quality measures used for health centers to earn the Health Disparities Reducer CHQR Badge: low birth weight, controlling high blood pressure, and uncontrolled diabetes. 

We expect that this training will contribute to an increase in the number of health centers that meet the clinical quality benchmarks and to be awarded the Health Disparities Reducer CHQR Badge. 

Objective Impact Narrative Progress*

As of December 31, 2023, we have trained 57 health centers that have not yet earned the Health Disparities Reducer CHQR Badge. The trainings focused on identifying and addressing disparities and inequities in care delivery and health outcomes. The trainings focused on the following clinical quality measures: low birth weight, controlling high blood pressure, and uncontrolled diabetes. 

We developed and delivered a virtual training on establishing health center leadership committees that oversee health centers’ efforts to advance health equity to improve health outcomes. XYZ NTTAP has been working with the health centers and has reported 20 are in the process of developing a health equity committee. 

Additionally, we engaged 30 staff from 12 health centers in 2 learning collaborative sessions to assist them in developing and implementing a health equity evaluation plan. 

Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) Engagement Target 18
Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) Engagement Target – Progress Number* 4
Training and Technical Assistance T/TA) Engagement Target – Progress Narrative*

We held a total of 4 training sessions as of December 31, 2023. We had two engagements from Activity 1, with our virtual training session counting as one session and the best practices publication counting as another. For activity 2, we held 2 of the 4 learning collaborative sessions.  

We have not encountered any challenges with reaching our engagement target, and we are on track to meet our T/TA engagement target and document lessons learned from the T/TA learning series by the end of the period of performance. 

Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) Participation Target  450
Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) Participation Target – Progress Number* 143
Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) Participation Target – Progress Narrative*

For activity A1: Virtual training and summary publication for health center leadership on advancing health equity to improve health outcomes, we had approximately 88 individuals attend the live training sessions and 25 unique views of the recorded webinar. There has been a lot of interest, and despite having 5 health centers (with a total of 10 health center representatives) cancel their registration due to being awarded the Health Disparities Reducer CQHR Badge. We expect to meet our download targets (total of 100) by June 30, 2024.  

For activity 2, we have 30 participants from 12 health centers participating in the learning collaborative. There has been a lot of enthusiasm for the learning collaborative that we may offer it again next year to with a focus on low-birth weight.

There has been a lot of interest in our TA activities for this objective, and we expect to easily reach our goal of 450 T/TA participants by the end of the performance period.

Participant Rating of Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) Usefulness Target Field 4.50
Participant Rating of Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) Usefulness -- Progress Number* 4.10
Participant Rating of Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) Usefulness -- Progress Narrative*

Participants from virtual training session (activity A1) reported they are satisfied with the session and identified actions they intended to implement in their organizations with the support of their PCA.

To better understand the aspects of satisfaction, our survey also asks about quality, content, and accessibility, as it impacts if the participant finds the content of our sessions useful. We will continue to gather feedback, and refine our T/TA content and format to meet our projected average participant rating of T/TA usefulness target score of 4.5.

Key Factors 

Key Factor Type Contributing
Key Factor Description Many health centers have started to develop effective health equity programs, and these experiences can offer lessons learned and best practices for the development of new training and technical assistance products in this area.
Key Factor Type Restricting
Key Factor Description SDOH factors that may result in health disparities may be best addressed by non-health care entities.

Supporting Organization(s)

Partner Organization(s)*

XYZ State PCA and XYZ HCCN will support Activity A1: Virtual training and summary document publication for health center leadership on advancing health equity to improve health outcomes.

XYZ NTTAP will support Activity A2: Learning collaborative on advancing health equity.

Activities (Propose at least 2 for each objective)

Activity Name A1: Virtual training and summary publication for health center leadership on advancing health equity to improve health outcomes
Need(s) the activity addresses Need for more instruction targeted specifically to organizational leadership on specific actions for creating a culture which advances the focus on health equity in health centers. 
Activity Audience National Audience
Activity Description

We will develop and deliver virtual training for health centers on establishing health center leadership committees that oversee health centers’ efforts to advance health equity to improve health outcomes. Training will be based on a review of best practices from health centers that have met the clinical benchmarks in low birth weight, controlling high blood pressure, and/or uncontrolled diabetes for the CDHR Health Disparities badge. 

The training will be recorded and archived on the organization’s website for viewing within 2 weeks of its completion. A short publication will include a link to the recorded webinar session and share summaries of the best practices and key takeaways highlighted during the training. The publication will be distributed to attendees 2-3 weeks after the session and posted on our online archive as well. In addition, we will ensure both resources are shared via the Public Health Digest and posted on the National Resource Center for Training and Technical Assistance. 

We will provide the content for the training and publication. XYZ PCA will recruit health centers to participate in the virtual training and follow up with participants on applying the content discussed in the webinar during the peer groups it hosts. The XYZ HCCN will collaborate directly with the XYZ PCA by providing data to determine the training needs to be addressed during the webinar. 

This activity supports the following Advancing Health Center Excellence performance domain(s): Governance and Management; Quality Patient Care, and Safety; and Population Health and Social Determinants of Health. 

Person/Group Responsible Sally Smith, ABC Inc. Quality Improvement Team Lead
Target Start Date September 1, 2023
Target End Date June 30, 2024
Expected Activity Outcome At the conclusion of the virtual training, leaders from at least 50 health centers will be able to identify the key functions and activities of a committee to oversee health center efforts to advance health equity, as well as the process for forming and developing a committee. We anticipate that there will be at least 100 downloads and/or views of the associated summary/one pager by the end of the first budget year.
Activity Progress Update*

We promoted the T/TA learning series to all health centers whose clinical quality benchmarks for low birth weight, controlling high blood pressure, and uncontrolled diabetes did not meet the benchmarks to earn the Health Disparities Reducer CHQR Badge. We developed and delivered a virtual training to 45 health centers on establishing health center leadership committees that oversee health centers’ efforts to advance health equity to improve health outcomes. XYZ PCA has been working with the health centers and has reported that 20 health centers are  in the process of developing a health equity committee. We held the training in late September, two weeks after the session we developed and cleared the presentation, and the following week submitted to the clearinghouse to post. We noticed since posting to the clearinghouse, the number of downloads jumped from 2 to 25 within 3 weeks.

There have been 40 downloads of the associated summary/one pager as of December 31, 2023.  

Anticipated Activity Progress* From January 1, 2024-June 30, 2024, we will continue to promote the recorded webinar to meet our goal of 100 downloads of the associated summary/one pager.  We are encouraged by the engagement we have received thus far and are on track to meet our goals by the end of the performance period. 
Comments In years 2 and 3, we plan to build upon our experience working with governance and oversight committees to create complementary sessions for clinicians and other health center staff. By actively engaging health center leadership along with clinicians and staff, we expect that a strong organizational focus on health equity will develop and lead to improved clinical outcomes.
Activity Name A2: Learning Collaborative on Using Data to Advance Health Equity
Need(s) the activity addresses Improved understanding among health center staff of how race, ethnicity, and language differences affect care delivery and the resulting health outcomes. 
Activity Audience Learning Collaborative
Activity Description

We will develop and lead a Learning Collaborative on utilizing race, ethnicity, and language data to examine correlations with care delivery and health outcomes in health center communities, with special attention on understanding the unique data collection barriers health centers may face. 

For each budget period, we will develop 4 learning sessions for at least 12 health centers in order to assist them in developing and implementing a health equity evaluation plan. Spread throughout the sessions will be planning periods, action periods, coaching, scaled implementation of models, and evaluation.

The first session will begin with an introduction to the concept of using data to examine equity-related correlations with care delivery and health outcomes at the health center as well to the components of an evaluation plan to undertake such a project. XYZ NTTAP will support the 1st learning session by providing a presentation on HIT techniques for collecting data. In later sessions, each participant will be coached through the process of developing and implementing evaluation plans in their own health center, utilizing a toolkit shared by XYZ NTTAP. Between each learning session, ABC, Inc. will hold office hours to provide additional coaching and feedback to learning collaborative participants.

Learning Collaborative Behavior Change Target 4.00
Learning Collaborative Behavior Change Number* 3.50
Learning Collaborative Behavior Change – Narrative* We conducted the post-formal T/TA session follow up 60 days after the T/TA session was held with all participants. The response rate was 50%. The average score of 3.5 is lower than our target, but we often see our average score increase after their coaching sessions, and expect to see this increase by the end of the learning collaborative. 
Person/Group Responsible Jordan Alvarez, ABC Inc. Program Lead
Start Date September 1, 2023
End Date June 30, 2025
Expected Activity Outcome Participants in this learning collaborative will learn how to utilize race, ethnicity, and language data to examine correlations with care delivery and health outcomes. We expect participants will also be able to develop and implement a health equity evaluation plan.
Activity Progress Update* We engaged 30 staff from 12 health centers in 2 learning sessions to assist them in developing and implementing a health equity evaluation plan. We collaborated with XYZ NTTAP to facilitate these learning sessions and ABC, Inc. provided additional coaching sessions to 6 health centers between sessions. To date 3 health centers have implemented a health equity evaluation plan.
Anticipated Activity Progress* From January 1, 2024, through June 30, 2024, we will provide two more learning sessions to the 12 health centers and assist them in developing and implementing a health equity plan. We plan to continue this activity with 4 additional sessions in the next budget period.
Comments This activity to conclude in the second budget period. 


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