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  2. NHCI-HC HRSA Electronic Handbooks (EHBs) User Guide

NHCI-HC HRSA Electronic Handbooks (EHBs) User Guide

Use this resource with the NHCI-HC guidance and example forms available on the NHCI-HC technical assistance webpage to develop and send your submission to HRSA.

Initiate Your Submission

You will need the notification email sent through EHBs by HRSA to the individuals listed as Authorizing Official (AO), Business Official (BO), and Project Director (PD) in your EHBs Health Center Program operational (H80) grant folder.

  • Click on the web link in the notification email. The system directs you to EHBs.
  • Enter your EHBs username and password, and click [Login].

    Note: If you do not have a username, you must register in EHBs. Do not create duplicate accounts.

    • If you experience login issues or forgot your password, contact Health Center Program Support for assistance through the BPHC Contact Form or 877-464-4772 (7 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET, Monday – Friday, except federal holidays).
  • The system navigates to Grants Application - Create page.
  • Enter the submission access passcode provided in the notification email.
  • Select “Revision (Supplemental)” as the Application Type.
  • Select “Increase” as the Revision Type.
  • Provide the H80 grant number under which you are submitting.
  • Click on the [Continue] button.
    • The system navigates to the Select Sub Program(s) page where your H80 grant’s sub-programs will be pre-selected.
  • If the sub-program selection does not align with your current H80 grant, adjust it by selecting or unselecting the relevant sub-programs as needed. Direct questions about your sub-programs to your H80 project officer.
  • Click [Continue].
    • The system creates your submission and displays the EHBs Application Tracking Number.
  • Record the EHBs Application Tracking Number and click [Continue] to start your submission.
    • The system navigates to the Application – Status Overview page.

Complete the Standard Section

For all Standard section forms, most required fields will be pre-populated with your organization’s information. Review and update as needed. For Parts 1 and 2 of the SF-424A, you are only required to complete the form sections indicated with a red asterisk.

SF-424A Part 1

  • On the Application – Status Overview page, click on the [Update] link located beside Part 1 of the SF-424A.
  • You must update mailing address, type of applicant, and person to be contacted on matters involving this application.
  • Complete Part 1 of the SF-424A then click [Save and Continue].
    • The system navigates you to the SF-424A - Part 2 page.

SF-424A Part 2

  • You must upload a file to the “Project Description” field in Part 2 of the SF-424A. For Descriptive Title of Applicant's Project – please enter ‘National Hypertension Control Initiative Supplemental Funding for Health Centers (NHCI-HC)’. A project description/abstract is not required for this submission, however, an attachment must be provided. Upload a blank document. An example of a “blank document” is available on the NCHI-HC technical assistance webpage.
  • If you need to include additional congressional districts when completing the “Congressional Districts” fields, you may upload an attachment with the relevant information by clicking [Attach File] on the “Additional Program/Project Congressional Districts” line.
  • For the Proposed Project Period, enter 1/01/2021 for the Start Date and the end of your fiscal year 2023 H80 budget period for the End Date.
  • Funding is not subject to the state review provisions of Executive Order 12372, as implemented by 45 CFR part 100. Select “Program is not covered by E.O. 12372.”
  • Click [Save and Continue].
    • The system nagivates you to Project/Performance Site Location(s) page.

Project/Performance Site Location(s)

  • Click [Add a Project/Performance Site]. Enter information for where the main service delivery site(s) for implementing the proposed NHCI-HC project is located. Only one performance site should be marked as the primary site. Click [Save and Continue]. To save your non-standardized address, click [Confirm] to continue.
  • Click [Save and Continue].
    • The systems navigates you to the Project Narrative page.

Project Narrative

  • A project narrative is not required for this submission, however, an attachment must be provided. Upload a blank document. An example of a “blank document” is available on the NCHI-HC technical assistance webpage.
  • Click [Save and Continue].
    • The system navigates you to the Budget Information - Section A-C. You can also navigate there by returning to the Application – Status Overview page and clicking [Update] for the Section A-C under the Budget Information section.

Budget Information - Section A-C

Note: Sections A, B, and C must present the total three-year budget request amount (i.e., year 1 + year 2 + year 3). The sum of the sub-program amounts listed in the notification email is the total three-year budget request amount.

  • Review the sub-program(s) displayed under Section A – Budget Summary. If changes are required to align with your current H80 grant, click [Update Sub Program] and revise the selections as needed. Direct questions about your sub-programs to your H80 project officer.
  • Click on the [Update] button on Section A – Budget Summary. Add your NHCI-HC budget request amount to the “New or Revised Budget” federal field. Add funding from other sources to the non-federal field, as applicable. Do not enter amounts for Estimated Unobligated Funds.
    • Federal funds must be requested in the same sub-program funding proportions as your existing H80 grant.
    • Contact the NHCI-HC technical assistance team using the BPHC Contact Form if you have questions about the sub-program funding amounts provided in the notification email.
  • Complete Section B- Budget Categories. Add the total three-year budget request amount for each object class category. The sum of all class categories must equal the grand totals from Section A – Budget Summary.

    Note: Construction costs are not allowed.
  • Click [Update] on Section C – Non-Federal Resources to add the resource type by sub-program. The total amount on Section C – Non-Federal Resources must equal the non-federal New or Revised Budget total on Section A – Budget Summary.
  • Once you complete the Budget Information – Section A-C Form, click [Save and Continue] to proceed to the Budget Information - Section D-F.
    • The system navigates you to the Sections D, E, and F.

Budget Information - Section D-F

Note: Each field will be pre-populated with zeros. Do not edit these sections.

  • Click [Save and Continue].
    • The system navigates you to the Budget Narrative page.

Budget Narrative

  • Upload one document that presents the proposed federal and non-federal costs by object class category for each of the three years. Federal costs are those that will be covered by your NHCI-HC award. Non-federal costs are covered by any other funding source. Include a total federal cost total (year 1 + year 2 + year 3) for each cost category. The federal cost grand total must equal the total federal request on the SF-424A Section A. Refer to the NHCI-HC Guidance for example uses of funding and the example Budget Narrative on the NHCI-HC technical assistance webpage.
  • Click [Save and Continue].
    • The system navigates you to the Disclosure of Lobbying Activities section.

Disclosure of Lobbying Activities

  • Complete all fields with a red asterisk.
  • Click [Save and Continue].
    • The system navigates you to the Appendices section.


  • Upload the following attachments, as applicable:
    • Attachment 1: Indirect Cost Rate Agreement; only provide if you have a new or renegotiated agreement (maximum 1 attachment).
    • Attachment 2: Other Relevant Documents (maximum 5 attachments); upload additional supporting documents.
  • Click [Save and Continue].
    • The system navigates you to Program Specific Information Status page.

Complete the Program Specific Information Section

In the Program Specific Information Section - Project Information, you will complete a Project Overview Form and a Project Plan Form. You will also complete an Equipment List Form only if equipment costs are included in the SF-424A and Budget Narrative.

  • To complete each of the forms, first open the form by clicking [Update] under the “Options” menu on the Status Overview page.
    • You may return to the Status Overview page at any time by selecting [Status Overview] from the information left menu.
  • Navigate back to the Standard section of the submission as needed via the All Forms section of the information left menu.
  • Click [Appendices] and then expand the left menu using the >> arrows to view all Standard section forms.

Complete the Project Overview Form

  • In the Training and Technical Assistance participation section, indicate if you attest to fully participate in future training and technical assistance and program evaluation activities offered in support of your award.

    Note: You must select Yes for your submission to be considered for funding.
  • In the Hypertension Metric section, your 2019 Uniform Data System (UDS) data describing hypertension performance metrics are prepopulated. You will not be able to enter data into these fields.
  • You may add 2020 data to date from your electronic health record universe in the 2020 Data and 2020 Data Source fields.
    • If your 2019 UDS data show that you served 100 or more patients 18 to 85 years of age who have been diagnosed with hypertension, then you do not need to provide 2020 data.

      Note: Either your 2019 UDS data or your provided 2020 data for this measure must be 100 or greater for your submission to be considered for funding.

      Note: If you are one of the approximately 50 health centers that used a sample of your patient charts to report 2019 UDS data (i.e., chart audit), then you must provide 2020 data to date that represent your entire patient chart universe to be considered for funding.
    • If your 2019 UDS data show that you have achieved blood pressure control in less than 58.9 percent of patients 18-85 years of age who have been diagnosed with hypertension, you do not need to provide 2020 data.

      Note: Either your 2019 UDS data or your provided 2020 data for this measure must be less than 58.9 percent for your submission to be considered for funding.

      Note: If you are one of the approximately 50 health centers that used a sample of your patient charts to report 2019 UDS data (i.e., chart audit), then you must provide 2020 data to date that represent your entire patient chart universe to be considered for funding.
  • Indicate whether changes are needed to your H80 scope of project to support the implementation of your NHCI-HC plan.
  • Click [Save and Continue].
    • The system navigates you to the Project Plan Form.

Complete the Project Plan Form

  • To add or revise Activities or Milestones, click [Edit] within the corresponding requirement.
  • In the Activity field, describe key steps that will help you achieve the requirement.
    • Activities should leverage the planned training and technical assistance offered in support of your award, which will focus on health education, community service linkage, patient and provider engagement, and clinical intervention strategies.
    • Activities should align with the costs proposed on your Budget Narrative and include existing resources that you will leverage, if applicable.
    • You must provide at least two Activities but no more than five per requirement.
    • Up to 300 characters, counting spaces, are available for each entry.
  • Click [Add].
  • Repeat until all Activities for the requirement are added to the Activity field. List Activities that address more than one requirement separately under each relevent requirement.
  • Milestones provide the target accomplishment date for each activity.
  • Click on the [calendar icon] next to the Target Date field to enter the Milestone target accomplishment date.
    • Target dates of accomplishment must be after January 1, 2021.
    • For ongoing Activities, provide a target date of accomplishment of December 31, 2023.

      Note: Your actual funding period end date will align with your fiscal year 2023 H80 budget period end date with approved carryover requests.
  • In the Milestone field, reference the corresponding Activity and state whether it will be ongoing or limited to year 1, year 2, or year 3.
    • It is necessary to identify the Activity as the system will not link Activities and Milestones.
    • Up to 300 characters, counting spaces, are available for each entry.
    • Click [Add].
    • Repeat until all Milestones for each requirement are added to the Milestone field.
  • Click [Save and Continue] to return to the Project Plan Form. The saved completed requirement should now be visible on the Project Plan Form. Repeat steps 1 through 4 to create Activities and Milestones for the remaining requirements.

    Note: The Activities and Milestones may not display in the same order that you entered them, or display in the same order each time that you reload the Project Plan Form. They will, however, consistently align with their related requirement.
  • To revise a requirement’s Activities or Milestones, click on the [Edit] button on the Project Plan Form to return to the Manage Project Plan Form.
    • To change a saved Activity or Milestone, copy the text, then paste the copied text into the editable Activity or Milestones field, and click [Add].
    • To delete a saved Activity or Milestone, select the checkbox next to that Activity or Milestone and click [Delete]. You may delete more than one entry by selecting multiple Activities or Milestones.
  • After you have made the necessary revisions, click [Save and Continue] to return to the Project Plan Form.
  • When all requirements’ Activities and Milestones are completely and correctly entered with the “Status” column showing “Complete,” click [Save and Continue] on the Project Plan Form.
  • Click [Save and Continue].
    • The system will navigate you to the Equipment List Form(s).

Complete the Equipment List Form(s)

You will complete an Equipment List Form for each year that you request NHCI-HC funds to purchase equipment. Refer to your Budget Narrative and Project Plan Form to assure alignment. If you did not request funding for equipment costs in the SF-424A, then the Equipment List Form does not apply to you. Across all three years, the total for equipment costs cannot exceed $150,000.

  • Select the Equipment List Form that correlates with the budget year (e.g., describe year 2 purchases in Equipment List Year 2).
  • Select equipment “Type,” either “Clinical” or “Non-Clinical.”
  • Enter a brief narrative “Description” of the equipment item, up to 50 characters counting spaces.
  • Enter the “Unit Price ($).” To be classified as equipment, the “Unit Price” must be at least $5,000.Costs that are less than $5,000 per unit should be listed as Supplies on the SF-424.
  • Enter the “Quantity” of units to be purchased.
  • Click on the [Save and Continue] button to return to the Equipment List Form.
  • To change an equipment item, click [Update] under the “Options” menu.
  • To delete an equipment item, click [Delete] under the “Options” menu.
  • Repeat the steps above to complete equipment lists for year 2 and year 3, if applicable.
  • Click [Save and Continue].
    • The system will navigate you to the Program Specific Forms – Review page.

Review and Send Your Submission

Your submission is due in EHBs by Friday, December 4, 2020 at 5 pm ET.

  • Review the Program Specific forms to ensure that all information is accurate. Access each form by clicking [View] under the “Options” menu. Alternately, you may access them through the Program Specific Forms link at the bottom of the left navigation menu.
  • If you have Standard section forms that are incomplete, you will click on the [Continue to Complete Status] button to proceed to the Application-Status Overview Page. Forms that are incomplete or have errors will have a status of “Not Complete.”
    • Click [Update] under the “Options” menu to access each form requiring revision.
    • Make necessary changes.
    • Click [Save and Continue].
  • When all Standard section and Program Specific forms are complete and accurate, click [Submit] in the All Forms left navigation menu.
    • The system navigates you to the standard Application – Submit page and displays a [Submit to HRSA] button at the bottom of the page if both the Standard and Program Specific forms are complete.
  • To submit, click [Submit to HRSA].
  • On the resulting Application Certification page, check the box and then click [Submit to HRSA] in the lower right corner of the form to confirm your submission was sent to HRSA.
  •  If you experience any problems with submitting in EHBs, contact Health Center Program Support at 877-464-4772 (7 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET, Monday – Friday, except federal holidays). Or, send an email through the BPHC Contact Form.
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