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FY25 NTTAP NCC Progress Report: Sample Project Work Plan

Use the fiscal year 2025 (FY25) Project Work Plan (PWP) to outline your activities for the FY25 budget period (July 1, 2025, through June 30, 2026) that will support the attainment of your objective targets.

The FY25 PWP form will be pre-populated with information from the most recently approved PWP and FY 2024 (FY24) Progress Update form. 

The NTTAP NCC Instructions (PDF) located on the NTTAP webpage, provide more detailed guidance on completing the PWP. 

Sample project work plan

Field Sample response
Objective Description Increase the number of health centers that receive T/TA on identifying and addressing disparities and inequities in care delivery and health outcomes.
Partner Organization(s) XYZ State PCA and XYZ HCCN will support Activity A1: Virtual Training and Summary Document Publication for Health Center Leadership on Advancing Health Equity.
Key Factor Typer Contributing
Key Factor Description Many health centers have started to develop programs that address health disparities, and these experiences can offer lessons learned and best practices for developing new training and technical assistance products in this area.
Key Factor Description SDOH factors that may result in health disparities may be best addressed by non-health care entities.
Activity Name Virtual Trainings and Summary Publication for Health Center Leadership on Improving Health Outcomes
Need(s) Activity Addresses Need for more instruction targeted specifically to organizational leadership on specific actions for creating a culture that advances the focus on improving health outcomes in health centers
Activity Audience National Audience
Activity Description

Due to the success of this activity in the first period of performance, we will offer updated virtual trainings that incorporate feedback we received from the surveys conducted at the end of the previous trainings. 

We will deliver additional virtual trainings to health center’s on establishing health center leadership committees that oversee health centers’ efforts to improve health outcomes. Building upon our experience working with governance and oversight committees, one training will have a target audience of health center leadership and board members. At the same time, another session will be complimentary for clinicians and other health center staff.  

Using updated HRSA data, we will promote the T/TA learning series to all health centers whose clinical quality benchmarks for low birth weight, controlling high blood pressure, and uncontrolled diabetes did not meet the benchmarks to earn the Health Disparities Reducer CHQR Badge. 

We will continue to promote the recorded webinars to meet our goal of 100 additional downloads of the associated summary/one-pager.  We will record the virtual trainings and post them and the associated publications within 2 weeks, like how it was done in the previous budget period. 

We will provide the content for the training and publication. XYZ PCA will recruit health center clinicians and staff to participate in the virtual training and follow up with participants on applying the content discussed in the webinar during the peer groups it hosts. The XYZ HCCN will collaborate directly with the XYZ PCA by providing data to determine the training needs to be addressed during the webinar. 

This activity supports the following Advancing Health Center Excellence performance domain(s): Governance and Management; Quality Patient Care and Safety; and Population Health and Social Determinants of Health.

Person/Group Responsible Sally Smith, ABC Inc. Quality Improvement Team Lead
Target Start Date August 1, 2025
Target End Date June 30, 2026
Expected Activity Outcome At the conclusion of each of the two virtual trainings, leaders from at least 15 health centers will be able to identify a committee’s key functions and activities to oversee health center efforts to advance health equity and the process for forming and developing a committee. We anticipate at least another 100 downloads and/or views of the associated summary/one-pager will occur by the end of the second budget year.
Comments In year 3, we will continue to grow our experience working with governance and oversight committees. By actively engaging health center leadership, clinicians, and staff, we expect a strong organizational focus on health equity to develop and lead to improved clinical outcomes.
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