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CADRE Frequently Asked Questions

Below are common questions and corresponding answers for the Capital Assistance for Disaster Response and Recovery Efforts (CADRE) supplemental funding. New items will be added as needed. Refer to the CADRE Technical Assistance webpage often for updates.


General Information

What is the purpose of the CADRE funding?

The purpose of the fiscal year (FY) 2020 CADRE funding is to provide one-time support to assist health centers with at least one service delivery site in areas impacted by Hurricane Florence, Hurricane Michael, Typhoon Mangkhut, Super Typhoon Yutu, wildfires, and earthquakes occurring in calendar year 2018; and/or tornadoes or floods occurring in calendar year 2019, as declared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to:

  • Respond and recover from emergency and/or disaster impacts, and/or
  • Increase the capacity and capability to respond to and/or recover from future emergencies and/or disasters, and/or
  • Support the continuity of access to high quality primary care services for underserved and vulnerable populations.
Which disasters does CADRE cover?

The funding covers the following disaster types, as specified in the Additional Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Act, 2019, P.L. 116-20:

Calendar Year (CY) 2018:

  • Hurricanes Florence and Michael;
  • Typhoon Mangkhut, Super Typhoon Yutu; and
  • Wildfires and earthquakes.

Calendar Year (CY) 2019:

  • Tornadoes and floods
Can CADRE funding be used to support construction-related activities associated with disasters occurring in 2020?

Eligible health centers in areas that received a disaster declaration in CYs 2018 and 2019 can request funding to support construction-related needs to increase their capacity and capability to further prepare for, respond to, and recover from future emergencies. Operational costs and supplies are not permitted uses of the CADRE funding.

CADRE funding may not supplant other resources (federal, state, local, or private funds). You may not propose construction-related activities associated with a project or connected activity (e.g., installation of utilities, demolition) that starts before the CADRE period of performance start date, September 1, 2020.  CADRE-funded projects must be separate and distinct from any other construction projects. See Appendix B, Allowable and Unallowable Costs in the NOFO for further details.

How much funding is available through CADRE?

HRSA awarded over $79 million to 165 health centers across three available tracks (equipment, minor construction-related, major construction-related). Eligible health centers received awards through one of the following funding tracks:

  • Track 1 (Equipment-Only): Up to $100,000 per award for one equipment-only project.
  • Track 2 (Minor Construction-Related): Up to $250,000 per award for Alteration/Renovation and/or Construction/Expansion project(s) with or without equipment.
  • Track 3 (Major Construction-Related):Up to $1,000,000 per award for one Alteration/Renovation or Construction/Expansion project with or without equipment.

For more information, see Section II, Summary of Funding in the NOFO.


Who is eligible for CADRE funds?

To receive CADRE funding, health center applicants must meet all of the following eligibility requirements:

  1. Be an existing health center receiving Health Center Program operational support (under sections 330(e), (g), (h), and/or (i)) at the time of application and at the time of award.
  2. Have at least one service delivery site located in a FEMA declared emergency and/or disaster impacted area (as listed in Appendix A of the NOFO) within their approved health center scope of project (as indicated on your Form 5B: Service Sites).
Must our health center have sustained damage in order to be eligible for funding?

No, health centers do not have to sustain damage to be eligible for funding. For more information, see Section III, Eligible Applicants in the NOFO.

Your project(s) should align with the purpose of the CADRE funding opportunity to:

  • Respond and recover from emergency and/or disaster impacts, and/or;
  • Increase the capacity and capability to respond to and/or recover from future emergencies and/or disasters, and/or
  • Support the continuity of access to high quality primary care services for underserved and vulnerable populations.

Project Requirements

How many projects are allowed?

The number of allowable projects will vary based on track type. For more information, see Section II, Summary of Funding in the NOFO.

Can we use CADRE funding for a site that previously received funding through other HRSA Capital Funds?

You may use CADRE funding at a site that previously received HRSA Capital Funds. However, CADRE funding may not supplant other sources of funds and you may not propose A/R or C/E activities associated with a project or connected activity that starts before the CADRE period of performance start date of September 1, 2020.  CADRE-funded projects must be separate and distinct from any other construction.

For more information, see Section III, Supplanting of Funds in the NOFO.

Can I add services to my Health Center Program scope of project through this funding opportunity?

No. Award recipients cannot add services to their Health Center Program scope of project through this funding opportunity. Any changes to services must be submitted through a separate change in scope request. See PIN 2008-01 (PDF - 224 KB).

Can I use CADRE funding to support a project at an administrative-only site?

No. Award recipients must use funding for a project at either an active service delivery site in the health center’s approved scope of project at the time of the application submission or a new service delivery site within a FEMA declared emergency and/or disaster impacted area. CADRE projects cannot support administrative-only sites.

Can CADRE funding be used for operational costs?

No. You may not use CADRE funding to support the provision of services and other operating costs (e.g., funding direct services, clinical full-time equivalents, costs for staff not directly related to the implementation of the proposed project within the project scope of work, rent, mortgage payments, refinanced credit facilities).

For more information, see Appendix B, Allowable and Unallowable Costs in the NOFO.

Can CADRE funding be used to cover costs incurred prior to the award date?

Yes. If the award recipient receives a grant award, only pre-construction costs incurred up to 90 days prior to the award date, and in accordance with Federal procurement requirements, may be considered for reimbursement under the grant.

Costs incurred more than 90 days prior to the award date are not allowable.

For more information, see Appendix B, Allowable and Unallowable Costs in the NOFO.

Can I purchase a modular unit?

Yes. The purchase and permanent installation of a modular unit to expand an active site is an allowable construction cost. This would be considered a C/E activity and would be allowable in Track 2 or Track 3. All grant conditions need to be lifted prior to purchase.

For more information, please see Section II, Summary of Funding in the NOFO.


What is considered moveable equipment?

Moveable equipment includes non-expendable items with a useful life of more than one year that is not permanently affixed and can be easily moved (e.g., replacement of existing or the purchase of new mobile medical vans, telehealth equipment, clinical furnishings, clinical equipment, non-clinical furnishings, laptops, servers, videoconferencing equipment, dental chairs, and radiographic equipment). There is no minimum or maximum unit cost for equipment items.

Are supplies an allowable cost?

No. Expendable supplies (e.g., office supplies, medical supplies, educational supplies) are unallowable. Supplies with a useful life of more than one year may be included as moveable equipment for this funding opportunity.

Are mobile vans and other vehicles an allowable cost?

You may use CADRE funds to purchase new mobile medical vans or replace mobile medical vans. The site of the mobile medical van must be located in a FEMA declared emergency and/or disaster impacted area. Other vehicles purchases (e.g., passenger vehicles) are unallowable.

For more information, please see Appendix B, Allowable and Unallowable costs in the NOFO.

Is a new mobile medical van an eligible expense for all three tracks or just certain ones?

You can add a new mobile medical van site in all three tracks. If you are purchasing a new mobile medical van, you must add that as a new site to your current scope of project. 

Can I use CADRE funding to purchase a new electronic health record (EHR)?

No. You may not use CADRE funding for costs related to an EHR system, to purchase an EHR, or to support EHR ongoing operations or maintenance. However, you may use CADRE funding to purchase equipment associated with using an existing EHR, such as software, site licenses, laptops, and/or servers.

Can CADRE funds be used to lease moveable equipment?

No. CADRE funds may not be used to lease moveable equipment.

Leasehold Improvement and Federal Interest

Can I use CADRE funding at a leased site?

Yes. You may use CADRE funding at a leased site. However, you may not use CADRE funds to address facility needs that are part of the terms of the lease (i.e., the obligation of the lessor). If you propose a project for a leased facility, you must attach a signed Landlord Letter of Consent (LLOC) from the facility owner in the Other Requirements for Sites form. See a sample LLOC.

Is a Notice of Federal Interest (NFI) required?

Depending on the scope of work, the owner of the property may be required to consent and file a Notice of Federal Interest. Your Notice of Award will indicate if an NFI is applicable.

For more information, see Section IV, Federal Interest in the NOFO.

What is required in a NFI and how is it filed?

Information regarding the contents of a NFI and filing (PDF - 500 KB).

A sample NFI can be viewed (PDF - 297 KB).

When is a NFI required to be filed?

If a NFI is required, the award recipient must submit the NFI after the award of the grant, but prior to initiating physical work on the project.

What if there is already a HRSA NFI on the property?

NFIs must specify the grant under which the capital funding was provided. NFIs that cite other grant programs cannot be substituted. Existing NFIs may be amended to add in the new grant and project description along with the existing grant information upon issuance of a Notice of Award.

Are leasehold improvements allowable?

Yes. For more information about leasehold improvements, see Section VI, Leasehold Improvements in the NOFO

Technical Assistance and Contact Information

Who should I contact with questions concerning the award?

Please refer to your assigned Project Officer and/or your Grants Management Specialist per your Notice of Award. You may also contact Health Center Program Support at 877-464-4772, Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. ET (except federal holidays) or submit questions through the BPHC Contact Form. Always obtain and retain a case number when calling for support.

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