Health Center Program Compliance Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
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The term “site visit” in these FAQ refers to:
- Operational Site Visits (OSVs) conducted for awardees
- OSVs conducted for look-alikes
- Initial Designation (ID) site visits conducted for look-alike applicants
The information in these FAQ only relates to requirements and processes of the HRSA Health Center Program.
Board authority
This question relates to Element b. Required Authorities and Responsibilities, Element d. Adopting, Evaluating, and Updating Health Center Policies, and Element e. Adopting, Evaluating, and Updating Financial and Personnel Policies
The Health Center Program Compliance Manual Chapter 19: Board Authority states which policies require board approval. Specifically, the health center board adopts, evaluates at least once every three years, and, as needed, approves updates to policies that support the following areas:
- Sliding Fee Discount Program;
- Quality Improvement/Assurance;
- Billing and Collections;
- Financial Management and Accounting Systems; and
- Personnel
While procedures are discussed in the Health Center Program Compliance Manual, they do not require approval by the governing board in order to demonstrate compliance with Health Center Program requirements.
The governing board of a health center is responsible for establishing and approving policies for health center operations, while the health center's staff is responsible for implementing and adhering to these policies through operating procedures.
Note: In cases where a public agency receives the Health Center Program award or designation and has established a co-applicant board, the public agency may establish and retain the authority to adopt and approve personnel policies and policies that support financial management and accounting systems.
(Updated: 3/8/2023)
This question relates to Element c. Exercising Required Authorities and Responsibilities
"Service utilization patterns" refers to the number of health care services and trends in the types of health care services patients access.
As part of its required authorities and responsibilities, a health center's governing board reviews service utilization patterns in order to evaluate health center performance and the health center's ability to meet patient needs.
For more information, refer to Health Center Program Compliance Manual Chapter 19: Board Authority.
(Added: 3/8/2023)
This question relates to Element c. Exercising Required Authorities and Responsibilities
No, the health center board is not required to approve progress reports (for example, BPRs, ACs, supplemental funding progress reports). A health center board may choose to approve progress reports, but it is not a requirement.
However, the health center board is required to approve the health center's annual budget and to monitor the health center's performance and progress, which are components of the BPR and AC. For more information, refer to Health Center Program Compliance Manual Chapter 19: Board Authority.
Note: A health center board is required to approve the Service Area Competition (SAC) or look-alike Renewal of Designation (RD) and all other competitive applications, including but not limited to applications for New Access Points (NAPs).
(Updated: 3/8/2023)