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Search peer-reviewed articles related to the Health Center Program, including those presented by HRSA authors and partner agencies, in four areas: Health Care Access, Quality, Cost, and Equity.

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51-52 of 52 Articles

Colorectal cancer screening at US community health centers: Examination of sociodemographic disparities and association with patient-provider communication

Author(s): Sue C Lin, Duane McKinley, Alek Sripipatana, Laura Makaroff
Journal: Cancer
Publication Year: 2017
Topic: Access; Cancer; Health Center Patient Survey (HCPS)

What does this study add? The researchers used 2014 Health Center Patient Survey (HCPS) data to assess whether sociodemographic variables and patient-provider communication are associated with colorectal cancer screening. The results show patients between the ages of 65 and 75 and patients not in the labor force had higher odds of receiving colorectal cancer screening, while patients who were uninsured and patients who were best served in a language other than English had lower odds. Patient-provider communication was not associated with the receipt of colorectal cancer screening.

What are the implications for the Health Center Program? The high ratings of patient-provider communication, regardless of screening status, suggest progress toward patient-centered practice transformation. Addressing insurance coverage and making culturally and linguistically appropriate patient education materials available are critical for increasing future colorectal screening rates.

Access to Care and Satisfaction Among Health Center Patients with Chronic Conditions

Author(s): Leiyu Shi, De-Chih Lee, Geraldine Pierre Haile, Hailun Liang, Michelle Chung, Alek Sripipatana
Journal: Journal of Ambulatory Care Management
Publication Year: 2017
Topic: Access; Health Center Patient Survey (HCPS); Primary Care

What does this study add? This study examined access to care and satisfaction among health center patients with chronic conditions using data from the 2009 Health Center Patient Survey (HCPS). The researchers determined that patients with chronic conditions were more likely to report barriers to care access than those without chronic conditions. However, there was no significant difference in overall satisfaction.

What are the implications for the Health Center Program? Patients with multiple chronic conditions often need more extensive health care that might be more challenging to obtain. Given the unmet health care needs of these health center patients, health centers might require more resources to provide comprehensive and continuous care to patients with chronic conditions.