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  2. Apply for the Health Center Loan Guarantee Program (LGP)

Apply for the Health Center Loan Guarantee Program (LGP)

Find out how and when to apply for the LGP.

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Who can apply

You must be an active Health Center Program awardee.

Get key program details

We aim to reduce your costs by guaranteeing up to 80% of financing needed for capital projects, including:

  • Construction
  • Expansion
  • Alteration/Renovation
  • Modernization

There is no limit on loan size. 

When and how to apply

You can apply any time.

Express your interest

Complete the BPHC Contact Form. Provide the following information:

  • Health center name and H80 Award Number
  • Anticipated project scope
  • Type of construction (new construction, alteration/renovation, new site, replacement facility)
  • Total project cost
  • Financing needs and potential lenders
  • Timeline and status of project planning and financing

Apply in HRSA Electronic Handbooks (EHBs)

You will apply in EHBs. 

Technical review and guarantee approval processes will occur in EHBs.

Refer to the Application Module User Guide (PDF) (PDF - 822 KB) for details.

How we follow up


  1. Review the initial information you provide about your project. 
  2. Contact you about specific items to include when you apply.
  3. Review, process, and approve the loan guarantee.
  4. Monitor the loan repayment status. 
  5. Assess your financial health during the loan’s life.

Find resources for your application


Contact us

If you have a question about: You can reach us at:
Technical assistance from Capital Link

BPHC Contact Form 

Under Funding, select Loan Guarantee

Your interest or application

BPHC Contact Form 

Under Funding, select Loan Guarantee


BPHC Contact Form 

Under Technical Support, select EHBs Tasks/EHBs Technical Issues 

Call 877-464-4772 (select option 1) 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. ET, Monday – Friday (except federal holidays)


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