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FY 2022 ARP-UDS+ Frequently Asked Questions

Updated: 9/20/2022

The American Rescue Plan Uniform Data System Patient-Level Submission (APR-UDS+) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) (PDF - 292 KB) is the primary guidance for your ARP-UDS+ application.

Below are common questions and corresponding answers for the fiscal year (FY) 2022 ARP-UDS+ funding opportunity. Instructions and other supporting technical assistance information can be found on the ARP-UDS+ technical assistance webpage. New questions will be added as necessary, so please check this page periodically for updates.

Where can I access a recording of the ARP-UDS+ applicant technical assistance webinar?

The ARP-UDS+ applicant technical assistance recording is available on the ARP-UDS+ Website.

Added: 9/20/2022

How do I respond to the first three questions on the “Grant Application – Create” page in EHBs for the FY 2022 ARP-UDS+ application?

Once you have accessed the FY 2022 ARP-UDS+ EHBs-only application by using the link and access code email to your Project director and Authorizing Official on April 20 and May 2, enter the following information on the “Grant Application – Create” page in EHBs:

  1. The type of application is a Revision (Supplemental).
  2. Select "Increase" for the revision type.

Enter your H8F or L2C grant number (the grant number should be in this format H8FCS12345 or L2CCS12345) and click “Save and Continue” to move on to the Program Specific forms in the application.

Added: 5/9/2022

Why is the ARP-UDS+ application period only 30 days? 

ARP-UDS+ is a non-competitive supplemental funding opportunity that requires a streamlined application to be completed in EHBs only by 5 p.m. ET on May 23, 2022. The application window is similar to those for other ARP and non-competitive funding opportunities.

Added: 4/20/2022

Why is there a limited amount of time to spend the ARP-UDS+ funding?

The ARP-UDS+ funding supplements current ARP awards for health centers (H8F) and look-alikes (L2C). This supplemental ARP funding must be expended by the end of your ARP period of performance, which is March 31, 2023 for H8F-funded health centers and June 30, 2023 for L2C-funded look-alikes.

Added: 4/20/2022

Why is HRSA making UDS+ focused funding available now when patient-level data reporting will not start until calendar year 2023?

Developing, adopting, and fully implementing new health IT capabilities takes time. Health centers and look-alikes are required to collect patient-level data starting on January 1, 2023 for submission to HRSA in February 2024. To support health centers as they prepare to collect and provide patient-level data, as well as to support additional ARP activities, ARP-UDS+ funds are being made available now.

Added: 4/20/2022

Are all current health centers eligible for the ARP-UDS+ funding?

Current health centers that received American Rescue funds (H8F-funded health centers and L2C-funded look-alikes) are eligible to apply for ARP-UDS+ funding.

Added: 4/20/2022

What happens to the ARP-UDS+ period of performance if I need more time to complete my already planned ARP activities?

If you need additional time (up to 12 months) to complete your approved APR activities, you must submit an Extension Without Funds (no cost extension) prior approval request to HRSA. Extension requests must be made through the HRSA's Electronic Handbooks (EHBs) prior to your H8F or L2C period of performance end date (March 31, 2023 for H8F-funded health centers and June 30, 2023 for L2C-funded look-alikes). Because ARP-UDS+ awards will supplement your H8F or L2C ARP award, if your APR period of performance is extended, you will have until the extended end date to complete your ARP-UDS+ activities. All extension requests are subject to HRSA approval. Contact your Grants Management Specialist with questions.

Added: 4/20/2022

Is there a limit to the amount of funding that can be used for pre-award costs dating back to January 31, 2020?

No, but pre-award costs must be reasonable and justified in your ARP-UDS+ application submission. Provide a detailed description of the pre-award activities that align with the purpose of the funding in your budget narrative and in the ARP-UDS+ Activities form. If your ARP-UDS+ application is approved, you must ensure that your financial records reflect the transfer of these costs to the new award, consistent with your HRSA-approved budget.

Additionally, developing, adopting, and fully implementing new health IT capabilities will take time and resources. Health centers and look-alikes are required to collect patient-level data starting on January 1, 2023 for submission to HRSA in February 2024. Given the EMR, EHR, and FIHR standards, applicants should be aware that they are likely to have new costs associated with their UDS+ data collection and submission.

Added: 4/20/2022

Are ARP-UDS+ funds limited to supporting UDS+ activities?

ARP-UDS+ funding can be used to support UDS+ activities, other ARP activities, or both types of activities. Appendix A of the ARP-UDS+ NOFO (PDF - 292 KB) provides a list of allowable activities, and you may choose to write in other activities that meet the purpose of ARP-UDS+ funding.

Added: 4/20/2022

What kind of UDS+ focused software or hardware can health centers purchase with ARP-UDS+ funds?

Health centers can use funds to support the purchase and use of ONC-certified electronic health record (EHR) or electronic medical record (EMR) systems across all service delivery sites. Funds may also be used to purchase support for Fast Interoperability Health Resource (FIHR) capabilities. UDS+ preparation may also require you to purchase or upgrade of software needed to process patient-level data for the purposes of UDS reporting.

Added: 4/20/2022

Is there a cost to use or implement FHIR?

There is no cost for health centers, Primary Care Associations (PCAs), and Health Care Controlled Networks (HCCNs) to use or implement Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR). Health centers utilizing a certified electronic health record (EHR) system to comply with the 21st Century Cures Act Final Rule will have FHIR functionality built in. Complete UDS+ reporting costs including maintaining Application Programming Interface (API) technology and other related tools will be accurately evaluated during Uniform Data System Test Cooperative (UTC) proof of concept testing.

Added: 9/20/2022

Can I use ARP-UDS+ funds to do more of an ARP activity that was approved in my H8F or L2C award?

Yes, these funds may be used to support any ARP or UDS+ activities listed in the ARP-UDS+ Activities Plan (PDF - 229 KB). The ARP activities in the ARP-UDS+ application are, for the most part, the same as in the ARP submission/application. However, ARP-UDS+ funds cannot be used to support new or existing construction, including minor alterations and renovation (A/R) projects, even if an A/R project was approved in your H8F or L2C award.

Added: 4/20/2022

For the FY 2022 ARP-UDS+ award, what types of revisions would require a prior-approval budget modification?

The following types of revisions require HRSA prior approval:

  • Moving funds to a cost category in the ARP-UDS+ budget that was previously zero
  • Purchasing equipment with ARP-UDS+ funds that was not in your ARP-UDS+ application budget or pre-award budget revision (if applicable) 
  • Moving more than 25% of total ARP-UDS+ funds across budget categories

When submitting the prior-approval budget modification, please submit information solely for the ARP-UDS+ budget. If approved, HRSA will include the updated ARP-UDS+ budget categories in the health center’s H8F/L2C budget.

Added: 9/20/2022

Why can’t I use ARP-UDS+ funds for minor A/R activities?

Given the limited ARP-UDS+ supplemental funding and the short period of performance, ARP-UDS+ funding cannot be used for minor A/R. This includes minor A/R activities that were initially approved in your H8F or L2C application.

Added: 4/20/2022

Can FY 2022 ARP-UDS+ funding be used to purchase generators?

Yes, so long as the generators are moveable or portable and require no installation (i.e., mounting, dedicated wiring, etc.).

Added: 9/20/2022

Can a health center request a project period extension for the H8F/L2C awards if more time is needed to complete approved activities?

HRSA awarded one-time H8F/L2C funding with a 2-year period of performance. If you need additional time (up to 12 months) to complete your approved project or program-related activities, you must submit a separate Extension Without Funds (no cost extension) prior approval request to HRSA. Extension requests must be made through HRSA's EHBs prior to the H8F project period (PP) end date (preferably 60 days prior to PP end date). You may not use this one-time extension to expend unused funds for new or additional project or program-related activities. All extension requests are subject to HRSA approval. Contact your Grants Management Specialist with questions.

Added: 9/20/2022

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