Our customers, our partners
We define our customers as Health Center Program funding applicants, existing award recipients, designated look-alikes, and ultimately the patients served by these organizations.
These standards outline BPHC’s commitment to our customers. Our goal is to apply them to your entire experience and each unique interaction with us. Our intent is to strengthen trust and deepen our relationship with you to provide the best support to you and the patients and communities you serve.
We define our customers as Health Center Program funding applicants, existing award recipients, designated look-alikes, and ultimately the patients served by these organizations.
Our strategic partners include other HRSA bureaus and offices, National Training and Technical Assistance Partners (NTTAPs), Primary Care Associations (PCAs), Health Center Controlled Networks (HCCNs), and other governmental entities external to HRSA/HHS.
We understand that these groups are not completely separate; our customers can also be our partners or vice versa.