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  2. HRSA Scoring Rubric

HRSA Scoring Rubric

The following scale may be used by reviewers as a guideline when assigning scores to each criterion. For these purposes, an element is an item pertinent to a review criterion as defined in the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).

Suggested Scoring Guidelines1

Total Point Value

for a Review

Outstanding Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor
5 5 5 4 3* 2-0
10 10 9 8 7 6-0
15 15 14 13-12 11 10-0
20 20 19-18 17- 16 15-14 13-0
25 25-24 23 22 -20 19-18 17-0
30 30-29 28-27 26-24 23-21 20-0
35 35-34 33-32 31-28 27-25 24-0
40 40-39 38-36 35- 32 31-28 27-0
45 45-43 42-41 40-36 35-32 31-0

100-96% 95-90% 89-80% 79-70% 69-0%

*Based on scale not on percentage


All elements of the criterion are clearly addressed, well-conceived, thoroughly developed, and well supported. Documentation and required information are specific and comprehensive. The criterion has no deficiencies or weaknesses. All strengths identified should clearly be above and beyond the baseline requirements. No restatements of the application or the NOFO requirements.

Very Good

Elements are clearly addressed with necessary detail and the evidence is thoroughly supported. Documentation and required information are specific and comprehensive. Any weaknesses identified will likely have minor impact on the successful implementation and execution of the proposed project.


Elements are addressed, although some do not contain necessary detail and/or support. Most documentation and required information are present and sufficient. Application has some strengths but with at least one weakness identified that will likely have moderate impact on the successful implementation and execution of the proposed project.


Most elements are addressed, although when addressed, do not contain all the necessary detail and/or support. Documentation and required information are deficient. Application has few strengths and some weaknesses and of the weaknesses identified, only one major weakness. The one major weakness could potentially impact the successful implementation and execution of the proposed project.


Few, if any, elements are addressed. Documentation and required information are deficient or omitted. Application has very few strengths and numerous major weaknesses. Weaknesses identified will have substantial impact and prevent the successful implementation and execution of the proposed project.


The applicant responses do not meet the programmatic intent of the NOFO.

1 This scale is used unless otherwise indicated in the NOFO.

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