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Health Center Controlled Network Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to common questions about the fiscal year 2025 (FY25) Health Center Controlled Network (HCCN) cooperative agreements. 

Application development

What information do I need to submit in and Electronic Handbooks (EHBs)?

You can find specific information on the submission components for each Phase in section 3.3 of the HRSA Two-Tier Application Guide (PDF - 657 KB) (PDF - 644 KB). Also listed are the required forms you need to submit in and EHBs. 

In, you will submit the following forms:

  • SF-424: Application for Federal Assistance
  • Project Abstract Summary Form
  • Project/Performance Site Location(s) Form
  • Lobbying Form
  • Disclosure of Lobbying Activities Form (SF-LLL)
  • Key Contacts Form
  • Project Narrative Attachment Form
  • Project Narrative
  • SF-424-A: Budget Information — Non-Construction Programs Form
  • Budget Narrative Form
  • Budget Narrative Attachment
  • Attachments (up to 15)

Note: The information you enter in for the Attachment forms (the Project Narrative Attachment Form and the Budget Narrative Attachment Form), the SF-424-A Budget Information – Non-Construction Programs Form, the Key Contacts, and the Project Abstract Summary will be editable in EHBs. 

In EHBs, you will submit:

  • Project Narrative
  • SF-424-A Budget Information — Non-Construction Programs Form
  • Budget Narrative and Personnel Justification Table
  • Program-Specific Forms
    • Form 1A
    • Project Work Plan (PWP)
  • Attachments

(Added: 11/12/2024)

What are the due dates for submission?

In the application submission due date is December 2, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. ET. In EHBs, the application submission due date is January 10, 2025 at 5 p.m. ET.

(Added: 11/4/2024)

Do I need to submit a complete Project Narrative and Budget Narrative in by the December 2, 2024 deadline?

No, these documents do not need to be completed in full when submitted in However, if you submit an incomplete or blank document with your submission, you must replace it with a complete document in EHBs by the January 10, 2025 deadline.

(Added: 11/4/2024)

In Attachment 1: PHC MOA Templates and Signatures, what is the purpose of Artificial Intelligence (AI) oversight and evaluation and how should I add FAVES principles in my response?

AI oversight and evaluation efforts increase transparency of AI technology and ensure the security and integrity of patient-level data in a manner that is consistent with established national standards. For more information, see the principles set forth by the Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy/Office of National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ASTP/ONC). The specific language you include in your memorandum of agreement should be developed for your HCCN project based on the needs of your participating health centers (PHCs).

When incorporating (FAVES) AI principles, please ensure your planned activities are:

  • Fair: Outcomes of model do not exhibit prejudice or favoritism toward an individual or group based on their inherent or acquired characteristics.
  • Appropriate: Model and process outputs are well matched to produce results appropriate for specific contexts and populations to which they are applied.
  • Valid: Model and process outputs have been shown to estimate targeted values accurately and as expected in both internal and external data.
  • Effective: Outcomes of model have demonstrated benefit in real-world conditions.
  • Safe: Outcomes of model are free from any known unacceptable risks and the probable benefits outweigh any probable risk.

More information on FAVES principles can be found in Health Sector AI Commitments (PDF - 158 KB)

(Added: 11/4/2024)

What is the correct de minimis rate I should use for indirect costs on Attachment 9: Indirect cost agreement rate if I do not already have an approved indirect cost rate?

Historically, the de minimis rate was 10%. However, as of October 1, 2024, the de minimis rate has increased to 15%. You can use either rate. See 2 CFR 200.414(f).

(Added: 11/4/2024)


What is the maximum amount of funding that I can receive?

The maximum amount of funding that you can receive is based upon the number of PHCs in your network and what tier you fall under in Table 1 in the NOFO (PDF - 487 KB)

(Added: 11/4/2024)

What happens if a PHC leaves my network and I drop below the required number of PHCs in my tier?

If the number of PHCs required for your funding tier is not maintained for more than 90 days, we may reduce your funding to the correct amount for the next lower tier as listed in Table 1 in the NOFO (PDF - 487 KB).

(Added: 11/4/2024)

Can I use HCCN funding to contract with PHCs that are out of network?

Yes, you may use funding for services provided to health centers that are not on your PHC List, but these activities will not impact the maximum funding amount you can request. 

(Added: 11/4/2024)

Can I use HCCN funding to attend and host conferences related to HCCN activities? What other expenses are allowable?

Yes, you may use funding to attend conferences related to activities that support HCCN objectives but you may not use HCCN funding to host a conference or support PHC attendance at conferences that you sponsor. HCCN funds can also be used for trainings and peer gatherings to pay for the location and a subject matter expert, but you cannot pay for food or a stipend for health centers to attend the meeting. 

(Added: 11/4/2024)

Will the executive salary cap be applied to FY25 HCCN funding?

Yes, the executive salary cap is applied to FY25 HCCN funding and is $221,900 as of January 2024.

(Added: 11/4/2024)


What information should be included on my Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424A) form?

The budget information on the SF-424A form must correspond with the total cost of your project for years 1 through 3, except Section E, which records year 2. 

In Section A, you will include the federal funding requested for each budget year up to the maximum allowable based on the number of PHCs in your network. The federal amount only includes HCCN funding and not other federal funding you may receive. 

In Section B, include object class category federal budget information for each budget year of the period of performance. The categories and totals should align with your Budget Narrative.

Leave Section C blank.

(Added: 11/4/2024)

Do I include contracted staff on the same Personnel Justification table as direct hire staff?

No, you should include separate Personnel Justification tables for direct hire staff and contracted staff.

(Added: 11/4/2024)

Participating health centers

If I contract with a PHC that is not in my HCCN network, can I include them in my PHC List?

Although you can contract for services with a PHC in another HCCN network, these out of network PHCs should not be included in your PHC List. 

(Added: 11/4/2024)

Project work plan (PWP)

What information should be included on my PWP?

The PWP is where you include details of proposed activities to be conducted in the first 12 months of the period of performance, from August 1, 2025, to July 31, 2026. The PWP will also provide data that supports the achievement of the objectives by the end of the three-year period of performance (by July 31, 2028).

(Added: 11/4/2024)

Do I include activities from PHCs that I contract with out of network on the PWP form?

No, activities for health centers that are not in the HCCN’s network will not contribute toward objective achievement and should not be included on the PWP form.

(Added: 11/4/2024)

How is the Baseline Numerator determined?

Your Baseline Numerator reported on your PWP should be the number of PHCs that meet the established objective at the time of application. Depending on standards used by your HCCN and the needs of PHCs, in some cases this may be zero.

(Added: 11/4/2024)


What is the difference between the required objectives and the elective objectives?

There are three required objectives that all HCCNs must work on. HCCNs must choose two elective objectives from the list in Table 4 to work on during the period of performance.

(Added: 11/4/2024)

Can I change my elective objectives during the period of performance?

No, you must work on the same two elective objectives for the entire three-year period of performance. 

(Added: 11/4/2024)

What does it mean to use the SMART method to develop objectives?

The SMART method implies that your objectives should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. It helps you create goals that are more focused on specific areas and ramps up your chances of having successful outcomes. 

(Added: 11/4/2024)

What is meant by UDS+ Implementation?

UDS+ implementation is the electronic submission of de-identified patient-level data from health centers to us through automated reporting platforms. It is a part of the UDS Modernization Initiative’s continuous effort to improve UDS content, quality, and reporting procedures. Each year, health centers will be required to submit a minimum amount of de-identified patient-level data (UDS+) using HL7® FHIR® standards.

(Added: 11/4/2024)

Can you give more detail about what the numerator for Objective 1 should include?

The numerator should be the number of PHCs that currently advance and improve clinical, financial, and operations data to improve clinical quality, health outcomes, and operations. It should reflect data from the most recent PHC Needs Assessment and any other relevant data resources that you will use to establish your baseline, which in some cases may be zero. Each applicant should establish a definition for advancement of data based on performance and identified needs of PHCs. These data sources should also be included in the Baseline Data Source field in your submitted Project Work Plan.

(Added: 11/4/2024)

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