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PCHP Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to questions about the Ending the HIV Epidemic - Primary Care HIV Prevention (PCHP) awards.

View more resources on the Manage the PCHP Award page.

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How did Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. identify the targeted geographic locations?

At the start of the initiative in 2019, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted an analysis of 2016-2017 HIV data. Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. selected 48 counties, Washington, DC, and San Juan, Puerto Rico, where the majority of the new HIV cases are reported, as well as seven states with a disproportionate occurrence of HIV in rural areas.

(Added: 11/15/2022)

Scope of project

Can I propose activities at a site that I plan to bring into scope later?

No. Proposed activities must be implemented at sites (including mobile units) in a health center’s approved scope of project. But if a new site is added to scope in the future, PCHP funding may be used to support approved PCHP activities at that site.

(Added: 12/4/2020)

Can health centers provide communicable disease screening and treatment to individuals who are not current health center patients?

Yes, health centers are required to provide screening services to established patients and other individuals who present for such services and meet criteria for screening, regardless of ability to pay. Health centers provide critical opportunities to connect people with essential health services and to support entry into care for those individuals who lack a primary care medical home. Health centers are uniquely positioned to deliver primary care services in an integrated manner with other comprehensive primary care services to ensure patient-centered and culturally appropriate care to advance health equity.

The provision of screening services by health center providers is based on identified risk factors in the patient population or community in order to evaluate, treat, and educate a health center patient. These services include, but are not limited to, testing for HIV, Hepatitis B and C, and other sexually transmitted diseases/infections based on a patient’s identified risk factors.

Considerations for health centers delivering these services in the Health Center Program scope of project, include the following:

  • Health center providers deliver in-scope services or carry out activities in accordance with the health center’s policies and procedures;
  • The governing board retains control and authority over the activities/provision of any services, regardless of whether the activities take place at a health center site or at another location within the community;
  • The health center establishes and/or maintains a patient record for all individuals served;
  • The health center bills for the services, as applicable; and
  • The health center notifies patients of all test results and provides other follow-up services, as applicable.

(Added: 8/9/2021)

How do I document HIV prevention services on Form 5A: Services Provided?

HIV prevention services are included as part of general primary medical care (PDF - 315 KB); therefore, you do not need to add HIV prevention services to scope. However, you may wish to review your Form 5A to ensure that the service delivery methods are up-to-date and accurate.

(Added: 11/15/2022)

What resources are available to help me determine if my PCHP project will require a change in scope?

Technical assistance materials on the Scope of Project page can support you in assessing your scope of project (Form 5A: Services Provided, Form 5B: Service Sites, and Form 5C: Other Activities/Locations). Contact your H80 program specialist for additional guidance.

(Added: 11/15/2022)

Can my health center provide HIV tests to individuals who are not current health center patients?

Yes, you are required to provide HIV tests to established patients and other individuals who present for and meet the criteria for HIV testing, regardless of ability to pay. The provision of HIV testing services should be based on identified risk factors in the patient population or community. 

For considerations for delivering services in the Health Center Program scope of project, see BPHC's scope of project webpage.

(Added: 11/15/2022)

Is there guidance on Syringe Services Programs (SSPs)? What types of documentation are required for SSPs?

You can find guidance from HHS (PDF - 367 KB) and from HRSA (PDF - 329 KB). These resources provide detailed information on the steps, documentation, and requirements for participating in SSPs.

(Added: 4/5/2024)

Budget requirements and project planning

What is considered non-federal funding?

The non-federal share of the project budget includes all anticipated program income sources, such as fees, premiums, third party reimbursements, and payments that are generated from delivering services. Program income also includes “other revenue sources,” such as state, local, or other federal grants or contracts; and private support or income generated from fundraising or contributions. Non-federal costs also include any in-kind donations in support of the PCHP project.

(Added: 12/4/2020)

What non-federal funding should I include in my PCHP budget proposal?

Include only non-federal funds that you will leverage to support your PCHP project, and do not duplicate previously projected non-federal resources under your H80 award. Include non-federal funds in the SF-424 Budget Information Form, the Federal Object Class Categories Form, and the Budget Narrative attachment.

(Added: 12/4/2020)

Can I use PCHP funding for minor alterations and renovations (A/R) costs, such as for installing equipment purchased with PCHP funding?

No. Installation costs (e.g., wiring) are considered minor A/R costs, and are not permitted uses of PCHP funds. Minor A/R includes work to repair, improve, and/or reconfigure the interior arrangements or other physical characteristics of a location.

(Added: 12/4/2020)

Are PCHP awards subject to telecommunications and video service and equipment prohibitions?

Yes. Federal Register Notice (FRN) 85 FR 49506 prohibits you from procuring or contracting to procure certain telecommunications or video surveillance equipment or services produced by Huawei Technologies Company, ZTE Corporation, Hytera Communications Corporation, Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Company, and Dahua Technology Company, as well as their subsidiaries and affiliates. Additional information is provided in the FRN. HHS is developing an implementation strategy and guidance. You should incorporate these new requirements into procurement policies and procedures.

(Added: 12/4/2020)

If I plan to contract FTEs, must I include them on the Personnel Justification Table?

Yes. You must include on the Personnel Justification Table all direct hire and contract personnel FTE that you propose to support with PCHP funding. If you are proposing to increase the hours of a current FTE, include only the increased FTE amount when listing the current staff member on the Personnel Justification Table and provide an explanation in the narrative.

(Added: 12/4/2020)

Am I required to have an indirect cost rate agreement?

No. You are only required to have an indirect cost rate agreement if indirect costs are included in your proposed budget. If you do not have an indirect cost rate agreement, costs that would be included in such a rate (e.g., accounting services) may be charged as direct line-item costs.

If you have an indirect cost rate agreement, you must upload a copy of the agreement in Attachment 2: Other Relevant Documents. Under 45 CFR § 200.414(f), organizations that have never received a negotiated indirect cost rate may elect to charge a de minimis rate of 10 percent of modified total direct costs, which may be used indefinitely.

(Added: 12/4/2020)

When do I need your permission to revise my PCHP budget?

You can rebudget up to 25% of the approved budget without our prior approval.

However, prior approval is required under any of the following scenarios:

  • If the rebudget is greater than 25%.
  • If you want to purchase new equipment over $5000.
  • If you move monies to a category that was not previously approved. For example, if no money was allocated on the contractual line item in the original approved budget but you wish to move money to contractual.

For additional questions related to the budget, contact the Grants Management Specialist listed on your Notice of Award.

(Added: 2/25/2022)

If I am awarded more PCHP funding than originally budgeted, am I required to submit a revised budget?

No. If you were awarded additional funding and the Notice of Award states that you may add those funds to already approved categories, then those funds did not exceed the 25% threshold of your original award.

You are required to submit an annual expenditure report within 90 days of the end of each budget period. This report will describe costs incurred for the completed activities supported with PCHP funding and expensed in the current budget period.

(Added: 2/25/2022)

Why will PCHP funding be issued through a new grant number?


PCHP funding will be issued under a new grant number separate from current Health Center Program operational (H80) grant awards to support tracking of PCHP spending. Health centers receiving PCHP awards will need to separately track and account for their activities supported through the PCHP (H8H) funding.

(Added: 11/15/2022)

Will PCHP funding continue beyond the three years?

Funding is expected to continue beyond the 3-year period of performance to support Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. However, additional funding is dependent upon the availability of appropriated funds for this purpose in subsequent fiscal years, satisfactory recipient performance, and a decision that continued funding is in the best interest of the federal government. Funding beyond year 3 may be added to the H8H and/or H80 award.

(Added: 11/15/2022)

Can I use PCHP funds to cover associated costs incurred before the project start date if my PCHP application is funded?

No. PCHP funds may not be used for expenses incurred before the period of performance.

(Added: 11/15/2022)

May PCHP funding be used to provide transportation vouchers for patients?

Yes. PCHP funds may be used to support enabling services such as patient transportation vouchers to increase patient access to HIV prevention services. The transportation, including rideshare services, must be to or from a site in the health center’s scope of project to receive an in-scope service.

(Added: 11/15/2022)

May PCHP funding be used to reimburse my health center for revenue lost when a provider is participating in a PCHP-supported activity, such as a training?

No. PCHP funding may not be used to offset lost revenue or productivity. However, you may use PCHP funding to support a substitute provider who provides temporary clinical services in the absent provider’s place.

(Added: 11/15/2022)

Can I use PCHP funding to provide treatment to patients who test positive for HIV?

Yes. While treatment is not the primary focus of PCHP funding, you may expand HIV treatment capacity in order to meet the goal of integrating primary and HIV care.

We also encourage you to use partnerships to provide referrals to HIV care and treatment. These could include organizations funded by the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, health departments, and other community and faith-based organizations. This will enable you to use PCHP funds primarily on HIV prevention.

(Added: 11/15/2022)

May PCHP funding be used to incentivize patients’ participation in PCHP-supported activities?

Health centers may use PCHP funds to offer certain incentive items, as long as the specific associated costs are allowable under grants regulations (45 C.F.R. part 75) or other federal regulations. If a health center chooses to use PCHP funds to pay for incentives for participation in patient education or HIV prevention services, certain limitations apply. Patient-related incentives are permitted only if they are a documented and required part of a clinically-proven program to be used in carrying out the project (i.e., program provides a gift card of nominal value to purchase healthy food after an established patient attends a certain number of sessions).

PCHP funding may not be used to provide incentives (e.g., gift cards, food) to encourage initial participation in patient education or HIV prevention services. Contact your grants management specialist if you have questions about incentives.

(Added: 11/17/2023)

Can I use PCHP funding to pay for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) “pins” for providers to wear and promote PrEP at health centers?

Yes. “PrEP pins” may be allowable under advertising. However, the pin must be a part of the uniform and cannot be given away. The cost of the pins must be allocable, allowable, and reasonable as outlined in CFR 75.421. Contact your grants management specialist if you have questions about incentives.

(Added: 4/5/2024)

Can I use PCHP funding to purchase a tent and chairs for future outreach events?

Yes. The cost of a tent and chairs for community outreach events may be allowable as long as it is less than $5000 and the purchase is directly related to an approved PCHP activity. 

(Added: 4/5/2024)

Can I use PCHP funding to update the Electronic Medical Record (EMR)?

Yes. You may use PCHP funds to update your Electronic Health Record (EHR)/EMR system to enhance tracking of patient data, particularly for high-risk individuals eligible for PrEP or others at high risk for HIV. These enhancements can support various aspects of patient care, including access to medications, adherence to treatment regimens, health information exchange, and reporting. Refer to Appendix B of the BPHC HRSA-23-025 (H8H) FY 2023 Ending HIV Epidemic Final (6).pdf for more examples of how PCHP funding can be used.

(Added: 4/5/2024)

Project overview form

Who should PCHP activities engage?

Proposed PCHP activities should reach new and existing patients who may be at risk for HIV infection or who may otherwise benefit from HIV prevention and related health center services.

(Added: 11/15/2022)

How much of my PCHP budget can be used to purchase PrEP?

We do not limit the amount you may request to support the purchase of PrEP. However, you must make reasonable efforts to incorporate the use of available medication assistance (PDF - 305 KB) programs, before using PCHP funds to support access to PrEP for health center patients.

(Added: 11/15/2022)

Equipment list form

How do I determine if an equipment item is clinical or is non-clinical?

To differentiate between non-clinical and clinical equipment, refer to the definitions of “general equipment” and “specialized equipment,” respectively, in 45 CFR § 75.2. An example of non-clinical equipment is office furnishings. Examples of clinical equipment include point of care laboratory tests, electronic health record systems and upgrades, telehealth systems, and examination room furniture.

(Added: 12/4/2020)

How can I use PCHP funding to support services delivered at a mobile site?

PCHP funding may support the purchase of a mobile unit and/or the provision of HIV testing and/or PrEP at mobile sites. The use of mobile sites can increase access in hard-to-reach communities and provide HIV prevention, care, and treatment services during non-traditional hours such as evenings and weekends.

(Added: 11/15/2022)

If I use PCHP funds to purchase a mobile unit, can I also use it for other purposes?

The primary purpose of mobile units purchased with PCHP funds must be to deliver HIV prevention services in support of your PCHP project.

(Added: 11/15/2022)


Is there a requirement to add certain types or a certain amount of personnel as part of my PCHP project?

No. You may use PCHP funds to add a variety of personnel (e.g., PrEP navigator, nurse practitioner, pharmacy personnel) to support your health center with achieving the PCHP purpose and objectives.

(Added: 11/15/2022)

Am I required to fund HIV-specific staff with PCHP funds?

You are not required to fund a particular number of HIV-specific staff with PCHP funding. You may use the PCHP award to hire clinical, administrative or enabling staff to help support achieving the PCHP objectives.

(Added: 11/17/2023)

May I use PCHP funding to increase FTEs of existing personnel who are currently compensated at less than 100% FTE with federal funding?

You may use PCHP funding to compensate personnel with a commensurate increase in FTE, not to exceed 100 percent of compensated activities, and in alignment with your existing written policies and procedures and 45 C.F.R. § 75.430.

(Added: 11/15/2022)

Can I add personnel who will support PCHP activities before the project start date?

Yes. Any new FTE added before the project start date must be specifically hired for new activities that address the PCHP purpose and objectives, and paid through funding other than your H80 award before the project start date. You must succinctly explain this situation in your Budget Narrative, including the transient nature of the initial funding. Any pre-award action you take is at your own risk as your PCHP application is a request, not a guarantee of funding.

(Added: 11/15/2022)

Can I use PCHP funding to rehire staff previously supported by a funding source that will end before the project start date?

Yes. You may use PCHP funds to retain or rehire staff supported by a funding source that will end before the project start date, if the funding source will not be renewed. Also, the personnel’s role that will be supported by PCHP funding must specifically contribute to the PCHP purpose and objectives. Succinctly explain this situation in your PCHP application Budget Narrative.

(Added: 11/15/2022)

Can I use PCHP funding to hire a driver to transport patients?

Yes. Transportation is an allowed enabling service if it moves health center patients to or from receiving a service on your currently approved Form 5A (i.e., the service is within the scope of your Health Center Program project) and the service is provided by a health center provider. PCHP funds cannot be used to purchase or lease a vehicle to transport patients.

(Added: 11/15/2022)

Can I use PCHP funding for recruitment incentives to secure qualified personnel for this project?

Yes. Recruitment incentives may be part of a salary package supported by PCHP funding, if consistent with your health center’s standard practice. Any incentives should be covered through your indirect cost rate, if applicable. If you have no indirect cost rate agreement, incentives may be charged as direct costs.

(Added: 11/15/2022)

Can I use PCHP funding to pay recruitment agency fees?

Yes. Costs or fees associated with an outside recruitment agency to hire personnel to support the PCHP project are allowed.

(Added: 11/15/2022)

Progress reporting

Award recipients should read the information in this section, the NOFO, and non-competing continuation (NCC) example forms. These and additional technical assistance resources are available on the Manage the PCHP Award page.

When is the progress report available in EHBs?

Semi-annual progress reporting periods and due dates are posted on the Manage the PCHP Award page.

If your health center received a PCHP award and you cannot find the report in EHBs, first verify that the “H8H” PCHP grant award is added to your EHBs portfolio and that the appropriate staff have user permissions. For more information, view the following videos:

Video - How to Add a Grant to the EHBs Portfolio
Video - EHBs User Permissions Overview
Video - Managing Users in the EHBs

If you are still unable to locate the report or need additional support with the EHB system, contact Health Center Program Support or call 877-464-4772. 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET, Monday - Friday (except federal holidays).

(Updated: 11/17/2023)

What data do I include in my progress report?

In each semi-annual progress report, you will provide a narrative describing your health center’s progress with implementing the approved work plan activities from the award start date to the present. You will also indicate the stage of completion of these activities under each focus area. Further, you’ll be asked to report any barriers or issues encountered in implementing the approved PCHP activities. If you need to adjust your approved work plan, you must attach a revised plan and revised budget (if appropriate) to your progress report for our review.

You will report quantitative data related to your HIV prevention activities in your health center’s next annual UDS submission.

(Updated: 11/17/2023)

Do you encourage TelePrEP, and can I include it in my PCHP activities now if not previously approved via my PCHP award application?

TelePrEP is an effective method for health centers to provide pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) services to patients who test negative for HIV and are at an increased risk of transmission. If telePrEP or other clinically proven prevention activities were not part of your approved grant proposal, you may adjust your PCHP work plan. You must attach an updated project plan to the progress report.  If the changes significantly impact your budget, you may also need to attach a revised budget for our review.

(Updated: 11/17/2023)

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