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  4. Ensuring Access to At-Home Self-Tests for Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Workers in Rural Pennsylvania

Ensuring Access to At-Home Self-Tests for Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Workers in Rural Pennsylvania

In January 2022, Keystone Rural Health Center (Chambersburg, PA) received 16,200 COVID-19 at-home self-tests through the HRSA COVID-19 Testing Supply Program. One of the health center’s focuses is providing health care to migrant and seasonal agricultural workers (MSAWs) in Franklin County. HRSA identified the Keystone Agricultural Worker Program as a primary recipient of the at-home self-tests.

Through this collaboration, tests were primarily distributed to MSAWs staffing fruit-packing facilities. These facilities are highly vulnerable to COVID-19 outbreaks, particularly during the winter, making the availability of tests especially important.

Keystone also distributed tests to local groups serving individuals experiencing homelessness, including the Franklin County Homeless Shelter and House of Hope. On Saturday, January 29, the health center held a drive-thru giveaway event, at which they distributed 3,200 tests to more than 800 cars.

“The HRSA COVID-19 Testing Supply Program has allowed for early diagnosis and reduced spread of COVID-19,” said Monica Diehl, Keystone’s senior nursing officer. “As a result, children were able to stay in the classroom, employees were able to stay at work, and agricultural workers were able to continue feeding our country, all thanks to this HRSA program.”