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A framework to help you improve performance
We created this framework to support your performance improvement.
It aligns with our mission: To improve health outcomes and address health disparities through access to quality services, a skilled workforce, and innovative, high-quality programs.
How we organized the framework
There are seven domains:
- Governance, leadership, and management
- Workforce
- Financial sustainability
- Population health and social drivers of health
- Quality, patient care, and safety
- Patient experience
- Access and affordability
Each domain has example suggested activities for improvement that can be found in the self-assessment tools. Work with your training and technical assistance (T/TA) partners to develop specific activities for your health center.
How you should use the framework
Use it to identify:
- How you’re performing in each domain
- How you’d like to perform in the future
- The path toward improvement
Review our guide to self-assessment that further explains how to use the framework.
A guide for self-assessment
Who should use the guide
- Health center leaders at the executive level responsible for improving performance and driving innovation
- Other staff or board members who inform your strategies
- Partners like Primary Care Associations (PCAs), Health Center Controlled Networks (HCCNs), and National Training and Technical Assistance Partners (NTTAPs) can inform and organize the T/TA they provide
Why you should use the guide and tools
The guide and tools can:
- Help you see where you are in each domain
- Interpret the results
- Identify areas for improvement that you can focus on
The results of a self-assessment can:
- Guide your strategic planning process
- Enhance your quality improvement efforts
- Inform how you apply for grants
- Inspire your board to innovate
Review our self-assessment tools to help you see where you are in each domain, interpret the results, and identify areas for improvement that your health center can focus on.
How to assess
Use the domain checklists in the self-assessment tool
You will work with your health center staff and T/TA partners to identify activities for each domain. You will assess the status of domain-specific activities to see your performance level. You can complete them alone or in teams. You can tailor the process to meet your needs.
You choose:
- Which and how many domains
- Which and how many activities within each domain
- How much time to devote to the process
- How often to assess
- How to use the results
How you should use the results
The checklist results provide a “one time” snapshot of performance.
The results allow you to:
- Identify gaps to help you improve performance and mature through the performance levels
- Set your goals and priorities
- Prioritize, plan, and complete activities
- Advance toward leadership

Assessment aids
- Guide to Self-Assessment (PDF), includes an overview of the framework, steps in the process, examples, and resources.
- Self-Assessment Tools (PDF), includes the fillable tool, progress snapshots, and example activities per domain.
- Updated Framework and Toolkit webinar | November 14, 2024 presentation (PDF) provides resources to foster innovation and improve health outcomes for the populations you serve.
Contact us
If you have a question about: | You can reach us at: |
The framework or guide |
Under Health Center Program, select Health Center Program (e.g., Unmet Need Score, Health Center Performance Improvement Toolkit). Call 877-464-4772 (select option 1), 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. ET, Monday – Friday (except federal holidays) |