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Health Center Quickly Mobilizes with the Community to Provide Vaccines for Mpox

The late spring outbreak of mpox in the U.S. northeast has impacted the gay community in particular, making Provincetown on the tip of Cape Cod especially susceptible. The popular summer destination site has a large LGBTQ+ community, and many businesses that depend on seasonal tourists. Thanks to dedicated community members and strong partnerships with local and state organizations, Outer Cape Health Services (OCHS) was able to quickly distribute vaccines and prevent the spread of mpox in the small coastal town. 

“With memories of last summer’s surprise Delta variant COVID-19 outbreak in Provincetown post Fourth of July, we knew the community needed to act fast,” according to Dr. Andrew Jorgensen, Chief Medical Officer for OCHS—the sole medical provider on Outer Cape Cod. “Fortunately, our staff was able to respond quickly due to our now-vast experience in COVID-19 testing and in administering COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters to the community.”

OCHS was grateful to be one of only four sites in the state to be selected by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health for initial mpox vaccine distribution. OCHS staff worked with health officials and other community leaders to promote the availability of the vaccine at their clinic in Provincetown and discuss outreach and education. Taking a grassroots approach, OCHS staff, members of the AIDS Support Group of Cape Cod, bartenders, drag queens, and others spoke with people out in the community at bars and restaurants and even contacted people directly through social media. OCHS provided mpox vaccines in their clinic in Provincetown and continues to administer shots to many people daily. 

The coordination and commitment proved successful. As of July 21, OCHS has administered more than 1,500 first doses of the mpox vaccine and has had more than 140 vaccine appointments scheduled for a single day. Swift action and foresight have enabled the community to protect itself against mpox and enjoy typical summer fun. View Mpox Resource Information on the OCHS website for more information on their efforts.