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Preventing the Spread of COVID-19 in Students

Alcona Health Center (AHC) in Lincoln, MI, is taking action in their community to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in adolescents, including through school-based health centers such as Owl Health Extension, managed in collaboration with Oscoda Area Schools. AHC has administered tests, vaccinated adolescents, faculty and staff, and given out masks and hand sanitizer.

As of September 2021, AHC has provided the COVID-19 vaccine to more than 7,900 individuals, including more than 350 youth aged 12-21. AHC also helped the Oscoda Area Schools Athletic Department with the state-mandated testing program by administering the tests. 

In addition, AHC has provided masks for students and worked with the Salvation Army in Alpena County to include masks in a backpack and school supply giveaway to low-income families. AHC gave schools information on COVID-19 vaccines through resources (e.g., packets and flyers), which schools have then shared through email, newsletter, and text message and at open houses.