NOTE: The Site Visit Protocol (SVP) is the tool for assessing compliance with Health Center Program requirements during Operational Site Visits (OSVs). Use this resource along with the SVP to prepare for OSVs.
- Purpose
- Project Director/Chief Executive Officer (PD/CEO), Key Management, and Administrative Staff
- Chief Medical Officer (CMO) and Other Clinical Staff
- Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Other Financial Staff
- Health Center Board Members
This resource helps health centers prepare for the interviews and interactions that take place during site visits. HRSA encourages using this resource along with the Site Visit Protocol (SVP).
The table organizes each interview and interaction with the site visit team based on common health center staff titles. The health center selects the most appropriate staff to meet with the site visit team because staff roles, responsibilities, and titles may be different across health centers.
This resource does not address every methodology or interview and interaction used by the site visit team. Refer to the SVP for guidance on Operational Site Visits (OSVs) and the Health Center Program Compliance Manual for Health Center Program policy.
*Primary Reviewer: C = Clinical; F = Fiscal; G/A = Governance / Administrative
Project Director/CEO, Key Management, and Administrative Staff
SVP Section | Primary Reviewer* | Interviewees/Participants | Focus of Interviews and Interactions |
Needs Assessment (Elements a and b) |
G/A |
Required and Additional Health Services (Element a) |
C |
Accessible Locations and Hours (Elements a – c) |
G/A |
Sliding Fee Discount Program (SFDP) (Elements a – d, f – l) |
F |
Key Management Staff (Elements a, c, and d) |
G/A |
Contracts and Subawards (Elements a, e, and i) |
F (G/A for Element i) |
Conflict of Interest (Elements a and c) |
F |
Collaborative Relationships (Elements a and b) |
G/A |
Budget (Elements a and d) |
F |
Program Monitoring and Data Reporting Systems (Elements a and b) |
F |
Board Authority (Element c) |
G/A |
Eligibility Requirements for Look-Alike Initial Designation Applicants (if applicable) | G/A |
Chief Medical Officer (CMO) and Other Clinical Staff
SVP Section | Primary Reviewer* | Interviewees/Participants | Focus of Interviews and Interactions |
Required and Additional Health Services (Elements a – c) |
C |
Clinical Staffing (Elements a – f) |
C |
Coverage for Medical Emergencies During and After Hours (Elements a – d) |
C |
Continuity of Care and Hospital Admitting (Elements a – c) |
C |
Quality Improvement/Assurance (Elements a – f) |
C |
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Other Financial Staff
SVP Section | Primary Reviewer* | Interviewees/Participants | Focus of Interviews and Interactions |
Sliding Fee Discount Program (SFDP) (Elements a – d, f – l) |
F |
Contracts and Subawards (Elements a, e, and i) |
F (G/A for Element i) |
Financial Management and Accounting Systems (Elements a – e) |
F |
Billing and Collections (Elements a – d, f, g, i, and j) |
F |
Budget (Elements a and d) |
F |
Eligibility Requirements for Look-Alike Initial Designation Applicants (If applicable) | G/A |
Health Center Board Members
SVP Section | Primary Reviewer* | Interviewees/Participants | Focus of Interviews and Interactions |
Accessible Locations and Hours of Operation (Elements a and b) |
G/A |
Sliding Fee Discount Program (SFDP) (Elements b and l) |
F |
Conflict of Interest (Elements a and c) |
G/A |
Program Monitoring and Data Reporting Systems (Element b) |
F |
Board Authority (Elements c – e) |
G/A |
Board Composition (Elements c, d, and f) |
G/A |