  1. Inicio
  2. Specialty Services & Health Centers’ Scope of Project

Specialty Services & Health Centers’ Scope of Project

I. Purpose

The purpose of this Policy Information Notice (PIN) is to describe the factors that will be considered by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) when evaluating requests from health centers seeking to add specialty services to the scope of their Federal project supported under section 330 of the Public Health Service (PHS) Act.

II. Applicability

This PIN applies to all health centers funded under the Health Center Program authorized in section 330 of the PHS Act (42 U.S.C. 254b), as amended, specifically:

  • Community Health Center (CHC) Programs, funded under section 330(e);
  • Migrant Health Center (MHC) Programs, funded under section 330(g);\
  • Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) Programs, funded under section 330(h); and
  • Public Housing Primary Care (PHPC) Programs, funded under section 330(i).

Organizations designated under the Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) Look-Alike Program that are seeking a change to their approved scope of project should follow the process outlined in the PINs for FQHC Look-Alikes.

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