Fiscal year (FY) 2020 Ending the HIV Epidemic - Primary Care HIV Prevention (PCHP) award recipients will complete a work plan as part of the FY 2023 PCHP supplemental submission in the HRSA Electronic Handbooks (EHBs). Your work plan should outline at least one activity that will help you achieve at least one of the PCHP objectives:
- Increase the number of patients counseled and tested for HIV.
- Increase the number of patients prescribed PrEP.
- Increase the percentage of patients newly diagnosed with HIV who are linked to HIV care and treatment within 30 days of diagnosis.
The following incomplete example is provided for reference only. Ensure that your work plan includes at least one activity within at least one of the four focus areas and provide a rationale for each activity. See the FY 2023 PCHP FY 2020 Award Recipient Supplemental Funding Submission Instructions for guidance on completing your work plan.
Focus Area Select from the list available in EHBs. |
Activity Select from the list available in EHBs or write in your own “other” activity for each focus area. At least one activity within at least one of the four focus areas is required. |
Activity Selection Rationale Describe how each activity will help you advance progress on one or more of the PCHP objectives. |
PrEP prescribing | Support PrEP adherence through care integration and coordination support that address co-existent behavioral health conditions and social determinants of health. | Supporting use of PrEP by connecting patients to needed enabling and social services, including health care benefits, medication assistance programs, housing assistance, and vocational training, will increase PrEP adherence. |
Outreach | Create status-neutral systems of care in which people receiving HIV testing can rapidly access PrEP or SSP services upon receiving an HIV negative test result and can quickly be linked to HIV care and treatment upon receiving an HIV positive diagnosis by coordinating with health departments, RWHAP-funded organizations, HIV testing centers, and other community and faith-based organizations. | Separate HIV testing, treatment, and prevention services have been challenging for patients to navigate and created a division between those living with HIV and those who could benefit from prevention. By combining HIV treatment and prevention tools, status-neutral systems of care will increase patient access to care by reducing stigma related to HIV prevention and treatment. |
Testing | Enhance the electronic health record with clinical decision support to facilitate the consistent use of clinical guidelines on HIV testing, prevention, referral, and treatment, as well as appropriate management of PrEP. | Establishing internal protocols that support the consistent use of workflows and clinical guidance will improve consistent and appropriate application of CDC HIV testing guidelines to increase the number of patients tested for HIV. |
Workforce Development | Hire primary care providers and clinical pharmacists who can deliver HIV prevention services, including follow-up HIV testing, prescribing PrEP and PEP, co-occurring condition management, and HIV treatment. | Adding 0.5 FTE to an existing family physician to expand the role will increase the number of PrEP prescriptions and HIV tests, and management of substance use disorder and mental health conditions. |
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