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  2. Look-Alike Renewal of Designation Frequently Asked Questions

Look-Alike Renewal of Designation Frequently Asked Questions

These are common questions and corresponding answers for the Renewal of Designation (RD) application, which is a request for continued designation by an existing Health Center Program look-alike (LAL). Refer to the RD technical assistance webpage often for updates.

Review Process

If areas of non-compliance are identified during the RD application review, will there be an opportunity to address them prior to HRSA making final designation renewal decisions?

Yes, if areas of non-compliance are identified during the RD application review, you will be given 14 calendar days to submit documentation demonstrating compliance with program requirements prior to final designation decisions.

(Updated: 7/5/2023)

How will HRSA notify me if there are any compliance findings during the review of my RD application?

The HRSA Reviewer will contact your health center’s Authorizing Organization Representative (AOR) through the HRSA Electronic Handbooks (EHBs) using a feature called “Correspondence Request” that enables the HRSA Reviewer to request additional information on any areas of non-compliance identified through the review of the RD application and enables applicants to respond to these requests and submit additional information that may correct these program compliance issues prior to designation.

These requests will appear in the AOR’s EHBs Pending Tasks list as “Urgent Application Correspondence” tasks and the AOR will also be notified through an EHBs-generated email (see below). As indicated in the Correspondence Request, you will have up to 14 calendar days to respond with additional information demonstrating compliance. There are no extensions or exceptions.

HRSA Reviewers will also contact your AOR by phone when a Correspondence Request is sent. The purpose of this phone contact is to ensure the AOR has received and reviewed the request, specify the reason for the compliance finding(s) based on the content of the application, and answer questions the AOR may have related to the request.

When your AOR receives a Correspondence Request, respond to this task via EHBs as soon as possible, prior to the due date since no deadline extension will be provided. Information shared via methods other than the EHBs Correspondence Request submission (e.g., phone calls, emails) will NOT be considered in HRSA’s final compliance assessment.

(Updated: 7/5/2023)

Will I be able to ask questions about the application review process, including questions about the EHBs Correspondence Request received from the HRSA Reviewer?

Yes. If the AOR receives a Correspondence Request in EHBs regarding your RD application, the HRSA Reviewer will also contact your AOR by phone when a Correspondence Request is sent. The purpose of this phone contact is to ensure your AOR received and reviewed the request, specify the reason for the findings of non-compliance based on the content of the application, and answer questions related to the Correspondence Request.

(Updated: 7/5/2023)

Is there anything I can do to prepare for correspondence on compliance findings during the review of my RD application?

Yes, to be prepared for correspondence on any compliance findings during the review of your RD application you should ensure that contact information (email and phone number) in EHBs for the AOR – the individual who submits your RD application – is up to date and accurate. The EHBs Correspondence Request will be initiated by a HRSA Reviewer and will come from ‘HRSA GEMS’: Also, you can add this email address to a “safe sender” or contacts list to avoid messages potentially going to your junk folder.

(Updated: 7/5/2023)

How can I check and/or change my health center’s Authorizing Official in EHBs?

You can check and change the AOR via EHBs using the process identified in the resource guide (PDF - 301 KB) on this topic.

(Updated: 7/5/2023)

What steps can my health center take to prepare a high-quality RD application?

There are several steps health centers can take to prepare a high-quality RD application.

Carefully review and refer to the Health Center Program Compliance Manual. Review and follow the RD Instructions on the RD technical assistance webpage. The RD instructions clearly indicate what portions of the application are used to assess compliance.

Ensure the narrative responses, forms, and attachments in your application support your health center’s demonstration of compliance and provide consistent information throughout the application.

(Updated: 7/5/2023)

If my health center has existing, unresolved progressive action conditions related to Health Center Program requirements, will this impact my Renewal of Designation?

Yes, current unresolved progressive action conditions may impact the health center’s designation period length. Therefore, if your health center has current, unresolved progressive action conditions, take corrective actions and submit responses that demonstrate compliance.

Both during application reviews and throughout the designation period, you will be routinely assessed for program compliance. In circumstances where you are determined to be non-compliant with one or more conditions related to Health Center Program requirements, HRSA will place a condition and will follow the Progressive Action policy and process outlined in Chapter 2: Health Center Program Oversight of the Health Center Program Compliance Manual.

Respond to and resolve outstanding conditions by the stated deadline, in particular before you submit your RD application. Please contact a Program Specialist with questions about responding to conditions and refer to the progressive action condition language on the Notice of Look-Alike Designation.

If you have any conditions related to Health Center Program requirements at the time RD decisions need to be made, you will qualify for a one-year designation period. You will be awarded a one-year designation period if you did NOT have consecutive one-year designation periods in the two years prior.

(Updated: 7/5/2023)

If my health center is designated for a one-year period of performance, are we required to submit a plan to come into compliance and respond to active progressive action conditions?

Yes, if designated for a one-year period of performance, your health center must respond to both a 120-day Compliance Achievement Plan condition and to any progressive action conditions on your Notice of Look-Alike Designation. For the 120-day Compliance Achievement Plan condition, you will be required to provide HRSA with a plan that:

  • Discusses your organization’s approach for achieving compliance with all areas of non-compliance that have been identified through progressive action conditions on the Notice of Look-Alike Designation; and
  • Indicates that compliance will be demonstrated within the timeframes and deadlines specified by these progressive action conditions.

(Updated: 7/5/2023)

Will health centers with a one-year designation period have an operational site visit (OSV) during the one-year period?

Yes, an OSV will be scheduled within two to four months of your designation period start date. The timing of this OSV is to provide health centers with an opportunity to address any non-compliance issues prior to a HRSA decision to designate an organization for a new period of performance.

(Updated: 7/5/2023)

If a health center had a one-year designation period in the two years prior (e.g., health center received a one-year designation period in both 2022 and 2023) to the upcoming designation period, is the organization at risk not to receive a subsequent renewal of designation?

Consistent with Health Center Program statute and the Health Center Program Compliance Manual Chapter 2: Health Center Program Oversight process: A health center look-alike will not receive a renewal of designation if the health center had consecutive one-year designation periods in the previous two years.

(Updated: 7/5/2023)

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