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  2. NAP Unmet Need Score (UNS) Conversion Table

NAP Unmet Need Score (UNS) Conversion Table

This table shows how we convert the UNS from the 100-point scale to the 20-point scale for your New Access Points (NAP) application.

The UNS measures the need for health care services in your proposed service area. The overall UNS goes up to 100 points. For your NAP application, the UNS is worth up to 20 points.

We base the UNS for your NAP application on the service area ZIP codes you enter in Form 5B: Service Sites.

Use the Unmet Need Score Map Tool to explore need data in your service area.

Service Area UNS
(100-Point Scale)
Converted UNS
(20-Point Scale)
≥ 97.5 20
≥ 92.5 and < 97.5 19
≥ 87.5 and < 92.5 18
≥ 82.5 and < 87.5 17
≥ 77.5 and < 82.5 16
≥ 72.5 and < 77.5 15
≥ 67.5 and < 72.5 14
≥ 62.5 and < 67.5 13
≥ 57.5 and < 62.5 12
≥ 52.5 and < 57.5 11
≥ 47.5 and < 52.5 10
≥ 42.5 and < 47.5 9
≥ 37.5 and < 42.5 8
≥ 32.5 and < 37.5 7
≥ 27.5 and < 32.5 6
≥ 22.5 and < 27.5 5
≥ 17.5 and < 22.5 4
≥ 12.5 and < 17.5 3
≥ 7.5 and < 12.5 2
≥ 2.5 and < 7.5 1
≥ 0 and < 2.5 0
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