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  2. NAP Sample Project Work Plan

NAP Sample Project Work Plan

For your New Access Points (NAP) application, you will complete a work plan in the Project Overview form in the Electronic Handbooks (EHBs). 

What to do

Describe the activities that you will conduct over the 1-year period of performance. 

Include action steps to:

  • Start providing health care at all sites on Form 5B within 120 days of the award start date. 
  • Have each site open the number of hours per week listed on Form 5B. 
  • Provide all required and additional services proposed on Form 5A. You must provide mental health and substance use disorder services.
  • Finalize formal arrangements for services to be provided by contract or referral.
  • Comply with Health Center Program requirements. Use the Compliance Manual and Site Visit Protocol to assess your compliance. If you’re currently compliant, describe actions you’ll take to make sure new sites and services are compliant.

In EHBs, select “Add” to choose your activities under each focus area. 

In addition to the required activities, you may select more activities or develop your own to fully outline your work plan.

Find guidance

The NAP Applicant EHBs User Guide (PDF - x KB) describes how to complete your work plan.

Project work plan

Focus area

Include all focus areas except “Other”, which is optional.

Operational service delivery

Including compliance with the following Health Center Program requirements:

  • Required and Additional Health Services
  • Accessible Locations and Hours of Operation
  • Continuity of Care and Hospital Admitting
  • Coverage for Medical Emergencies During and After Hours


Choose from the list of activities for each focus area. You must include starred activities (***). You may also write in your own “other” activity. 

Key Action Step(s)

Describe action steps for each proposed activity. 


Provide the time frame for carrying out each action step.

Key Person Responsible

Identify who will carry out each action step.

Getting site(s) ready to open (such as lease, mobile unit, minor A/R, equipment purchases)***      
Providing required clinical services***      
Providing required enabling services***      
Increasing access for low income, uninsured people***      
Providing additional services, if you propose any      
Identifying and addressing access barriers       
Securing admitting privileges and developing procedures for follow-up**      
Responding to patient emergencies during and after hours***      
Other: Please specify
(Up to 300 characters with spaces)


Including compliance with the following Health Center Program requirements:

  • Clinical Staffing
  • Key Management Staff


Choose from the list of activities for each focus area. You must include starred activities (***). You may also write in your own “other” activity. 

Key Action Step(s)

Describe action steps for each proposed activity. 


Provide the time frame for carrying out each action step.

Key Person Responsible

Identify who will carry out each action step.

Hiring, contracting, and/or establishing formal written referral arrangements with all providers***      
Credentialing and privileging***      
Integrating multidisciplinary teams      
Hiring management and support staff***       
Other: Please specify
(Up to 300 characters with spaces)

Quality and reporting

Including compliance with the following Health Center Program requirements:

  • Quality Improvement/Assurance
  • Program Monitoring and Data Reporting Systems


Choose from the list of activities for each focus area. You must include starred activities (***). You may also write in your own “other” activity. 

Key Action Step(s)

Describe action steps for each proposed activity. 


Provide the time frame for carrying out each action step.

Key Person Responsible

Identify who will carry out each action step.

QI/QA plan and process to evaluate performance***      
Integrating proposed site(s) into the QI/QA program      
Implementing strategies to identify and address disparities in care delivery and health outcomes      
Data reporting systems***      
Gathering and reporting data from contracts, subawards, and formal written referral arrangements      
Other: Please specify (Up to 300 characters with spaces)       


Including compliance with the following Health Center Program requirements:

  • Board Authority 
  • Board Composition 
  • Conflict of Interest


Choose from the list of activities for each focus area. You must include starred activities (***). You may also write in your own “other” activity. 

Key Action Step(s)

Describe action steps for each proposed activity. 


Provide the time frame for carrying out each action step.

Key Person Responsible

Identify who will carry out each action step.

Recruiting, onboarding, and retaining of members to ensure compliance with board composition requirements      
Conflict of interest requirements***      
Developing policies and procedures (such as SFDP, QI/QA, Billing & Collections, Financial, and Personnel) ***      
Strategic planning***       
Other: Please specify
(Up to 300 characters with spaces)


Please specify (up to 100 characters with spaces)


Choose from the list of activities for each focus area. You must include starred activities (***). You may also write in your own “other” activity. 

Key Action Step(s)

Describe action steps for each proposed activity. 


Provide the time frame for carrying out each action step.

Key Person Responsible

Identify who will carry out each action step.

Other: Please specify
(Up to 300 characters with spaces)
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