FY 2025 QIF-TJI Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers about the fiscal year (FY) 2025 Transitions in Care for Justice-Involved Populations (QIF-TJI) funding opportunity.

Submit other questions through the BPHC Contact Form. Under Funding, select Applications for Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs) as the question type, then select Quality Improvement Fund (QIF).

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Application components

How can I access the QIF-TJI NOFO and application package?

Go to Grants.gov. Select:

  • Package for HRSA-25-005
  • Preview in the Actions column
    • Download Instructions in the Opportunity Package Details view to access the NOFO
    • Links to view the forms to be submitted in Grants.gov
  • APPLY to use the Grants.gov Workspace to apply

(Added: 6/3/2024)

How do I complete the fields in the SF-424 submitted to Grants.gov?

See the Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424) form instructions (PDF - 188 KB) on Grants.gov. The following table tells you how to respond to specific sections.

Box Number Field Response
1 Type of Submission Application
2 Type of Application New
3 Date Received Leave blank (completed automatically in Grants.gov)
4 Applicant Identifier Enter your 10-digit H80 number (not required)
5a, 5b Federal Entity Identifier, Federal Award Identifier Leave blank
12 Funding Opportunity Number HRSA-25-005
14 Areas Affected by Project List where you will implement your QIF-TJI project. You do not need to include the attachment.
15 Descriptive Title of Applicant’s project “Quality Improvement Fund – Transitions in Care for Justice-Involved Populations (QIF-TJI)”
16 Congressional Districts Include the congressional district for your main site. You do not need to include the attachment.
17 Proposed Project Start and End Dates The period of performance is December 1, 2024, to November 30, 2026
18 Estimated Funding ($) Enter the amount of QIF-TJI funding requested in a. Federal box (up to $1,000,000)
19 Is Application Subject to Review Under Executive Order 12372 Process?

Select a. if your state is included in the SPOC list (PDF).

If not, select b. Program is subject to E.O. 12372 but has not been selected by the State for review.

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Do I need to complete an Equipment List form each year that I request funds to purchase equipment?

No. Include equipment on one form for the entire two-year period of performance.

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Is the health center board required to approve the QIF-TJI application?

Yes. Board minutes should show that the board approved your application and budget. However, you must not submit your board minutes within your application.

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Can QIF-TJI affect my H80 patient target?

No. Since these are one‑time funds, patient projections will not be added to your H80 patient target.

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Do I need to project a minimum number of patients we must serve with this funding?

No. However, in your application, you should describe and provide data on the most critical health needs of justice-involved individuals reentering the community (JI-R) in your service area. Describe how patient and community input informed your understanding of these needs.

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Is there a limit to the number of carceral authority partners we can partner with?

Yes. You must propose to partner with at least one and no more than three carceral authorities. Information about these partners must align between the Project Narrative, Project Plan form, and Attachment 1: Letters of Commitment.

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The NOFO states that my proposed project must use innovative approaches to implement evidence-based models of care. How can I show that my proposed project fulfills these requirements?

Your proposed project must start with evidence-based models of care. You can use models of care that have evidence of effectiveness in settings other than primary care.

In your application, describe the evidence-based models you plan to use and the innovative approaches to implementing them to improve transitions in care for JI-R individuals. Clearly explain how you used feedback from health center patients and community members directly affected by incarceration to develop your project.

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Is there a list of required evidence-based practices and models of care?

No, you can choose your evidence-based practices and models.

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Can we apply to expand our current services if our health center already partners with a local jail to provide some services for justice-involved persons?

Yes. In your application, you must describe how your proposed project differs from how you currently serve JI-R individuals.

For example, include plans for new or improved solutions you plan to implement to address clinical and social barriers to care for JI-R individuals.

Your application must describe what evidence-based model(s) you plan to use and how you used input from people with lived experience with incarceration to develop your project.

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How should I select evaluative measures for my project?

Your QIF-TJI project will be designed to meet the specific health needs of your population of focus. You will select measures that assess your progress toward project goals and desired outcomes. You can use quantitative and qualitative data to assess the impact of your project.

It is crucial to work with health center patients and community members who have experience with incarceration as you select evaluative measures. Your proposed project must include at least one measure of patient experience and one measure of community engagement.

If you receive QIF-TJI funding, you will work with the HRSA-funded coordination and evaluation center contractor. In addition to your self-selected measures, the contractor may require all award recipients to report on the same measures. As you begin working with the coordination and evaluation center and other awarded health centers, the contractor may suggest that you add or adapt measures to capture your outcomes best. The QIF-TJI NOFO, Section VI.3 Award Administration Information, Reporting, includes additional details on the reporting of evaluative measures.

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How will QIF-TJI award recipients and the HRSA-funded coordination and evaluation center contractor engage with each other?

Award recipients will participate in collaborative learning and evaluation activities with other QIF-TJI award recipients and the HRSA-funded coordination and evaluation center. Award recipients will collect and share data with the coordination and evaluation center. Collecting and sharing data supports the ongoing evaluation of your QIF-TJI project’s effectiveness. It also helps us understand what activities or innovations can be implemented by other health centers.

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What are the expectations for community partnerships?

You must collaborate with community partners to address the health-related social needs of JI-R individuals. This may include organizations that provide transitional housing, recovery residences, permanent supportive or subsidized housing, food pantries, job training and placement, and financial literacy education.

In the Project Narrative, Project Plan form, and Attachment 1: Letters of Commitment, you will describe how community partners contribute to your project in your application. In Attachment 1, you will include at least two current, signed letters from community partners describing how they will support your project.

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Can I make changes to my scope of project through the QIF-TJI application? How can I tell if my QIF-TJI project will require a change in scope (CIS)?

You cannot make changes to your scope directly through the QIF-TJI application. In the Scope Overview Form in your QIF-TJI application, do not select Yes for Form 5B to document carceral settings. We will provide QIF-TJI awardees with post-award guidance on how to document carceral settings where they provide in-scope services to JI-R individuals during the 2-year period of performance.

An example of needing a change in scope (CIS) would be if the carceral setting is in a zip code that is not already included in your Form 5B service area zip codes. In this case you will need to submit a Scope Adjustment Change in Scope (CIS) request to update your service area zip codes as noted in the Instructions for Form 5B: Service Sites. As noted in the Instructions for Form 5B: Service Sites, health centers identify ZIP codes for each site on Form 5B, consistent with patient origin data reported by ZIP code in the health center's annual Uniform Data System (UDS) report. Your health center should already be serving patients from the zip code the carceral setting is in, and as documented in your patient origin data.

When submitting a Scope Adjustment, you will also be asked to certify assurances that the proposed CIS implementation date is at least 60 days from the submission date to HRSA.  HRSA’s standard timeframe for CIS review is within 60 days of receiving a complete submission, notwithstanding unique cases.  For details, refer to PAL 2014-10: Updated Process for Change in Scope Submission, Review and Approval Timelines (PDF - 126 KB). We will look at your Form 5B at the time of application submission.

The Scope of Project webpage provides guidance to help you determine if you need to change or adjust your scope of project. If you need to request a scope adjustment or CIS, contact Health Center Engagement using the BPHC Contact Form (Program Monitoring H80 > Change in Scope).

(Added: 6/14/2024)

If I plan to provide services to JI-R individuals in a carceral setting, do I need to add that carceral setting as a service site in my QIF-TJI application?

We do not have final policy related to providing services to justice-involved individuals reentering the community (JI-R) and we are not approving new Change in Scope requests to add service sites or services in carceral settings at this time. Once we issue final policy, we will provide details on how you can request and document changes in scope.

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How should I present my funding request on the SF-424A and budget narrative attachment?

You can request up to $1,000,000 in QIF-TJI funding for the entire two-year period of performance.

In Sections A–C of your SF-424A, record information for the entire two-year period of performance.

Sections D–F can be left blank.

In your Budget Narrative, break out federal and non-federal funding by object class category (with detail and personnel justification table) in each year of the two-year period of performance. You can divide your funding across the two years in the way that best supports your project. For example, you may budget $600,000 in Year 1 and $400,000 in Year 2 for a total budget of $1,000,000. If you propose to use QIF-TJI funds for equipment, you must complete the Equipment List form, and include the total amount of equipment in your budget narrative.

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Will funding continue beyond the two-year period of performance?

No. This is a one-time funding opportunity with a two-year period of performance.

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Should I include contractors in the Table of Personnel?

Yes. In the personnel table, you must include all direct-hire and contract employees you propose supporting with QIF-TJI funding. See the sample Budget Narrative on the QIF-TJI technical assistance webpage for more information.

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Does the federal executive salary limitation apply to QIF-TJI funding?

Yes. QIF-TJI funds may not be used to pay an individual's salary at a rate over Federal Executive Level II (PDF - 3 KB), which is $221,900 (effective January 1, 2024). This amount reflects an individual’s annualized base salary, including bonuses and overtime. It does not include fringe and any income an individual may earn outside your organization.

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Allowable activities and costs

Can I use funds to partner with a juvenile detention facility?

No. The population of focus for your proposed project must be adults aged 18 or older.

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Can I use funds to provide services for people transitioning from a federal prison?

No. QIF-TJI funds cannot be used to provide services to people incarcerated in federal prisons. Your proposed project must address the needs of adults who are currently incarcerated in one of the following settings:

  • State prison
  • Local jail
  • Other state or local correctional facility

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Can I use funding to provide services to a person who may not live in my service area after leaving jail or prison?

Yes. You can use QIF-TJI funds to provide services to any adult who is both:

  • Living in a state or local jail or prison in your health center’s service area; and
  • Scheduled to be released in 90 days or less

For JI-R individuals living outside your service area, you must ensure that your health center helps them access primary care services and provides a warm handoff to a health center where they will live upon release. This includes creating a first-time appointment at the local health center or arranging a telehealth visit before they move.

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What services can QIF-TJI funding support?

All activities must align with the services described in Appendix C of the NOFO. All the services must be provided solely on behalf of the health center. The approval of your project and activities under this NOFO is limited to the two-year period of performance.

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Can I use funds to provide pre- and post-release services?

QIF-TJI funding intends to support the pre-release period. However, you may use QIF-TJI funds for pre- and post-release services listed in Appendix C of the NOFO. You must focus on the transition period from up to 90 days before an individual’s scheduled or expected release from incarceration through the time they are established as a health center patient in the community. At that time, the health center’s H80 grant will provide support.

The population of focus for your proposed QIF-TJI project must be adults (age 18 or older) living in a carceral setting located within your health center’s service area and scheduled or expected to be released from incarceration in 90 days or less. Your project must address the needs of these individuals as they transition from incarceration and return to the community and engage with your health center’s services.

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Can I provide services at a carceral setting outside of my service area?

Your proposed project and population of focus must include justice-involved individuals reentering the community (JI-R) (age 18 or older) living in a carceral setting in your health center’s service area (as documented in your Form 5B service area zip codes) and scheduled or expected to be released from incarceration in 90 days or less. Your application will not be eligible for review if the carceral setting in your proposed project is outside of your service area.

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Are we required to provide health care services in a state prison or local jail or can we use these resources for just post-release services or care coordination services?

You must provide services to justice-involved individuals reentering the community (JI-R) who are living in a carceral setting within your service area and are scheduled or expected to be released from incarceration in 90 days or less. You can propose a model of care that best works for you and the community, which could include a carceral setting (state prison or local jail) or another setting. QIF-TJI funding is meant to strengthen transitions in care for individuals who will soon be released from incarceration, increasing their access to community-based, high-quality primary care services. However, you may justify in your application how it is reasonable to use a portion of QIF-TJI funds for post-release services. For example, hiring a peer navigator who has lived experience of incarceration to maintain connections made pre-release to get JI-R individuals to their first few appointments at the health center. See Appendix C of the NOFO for allowable services.

In your QIF-TJI application, you must submit a letter of commitment under Attachment 1 from at least one carceral authority partner. If awarded, you must develop a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the carceral authority partner within 90 days of the QIF-TJI period of performance start date. You may not use QIF-TJI funding to replace the obligations of carceral authorities to provide medical care or for any activities that are not specifically focused on engaging JI-R individuals with health center community-based primary health care to support transitions in care. We will provide QIF-TJI awardees with post-award guidance on how to document carceral settings where they provide in-scope services to JI-R individuals.

(Added: 6/14/2024)

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