- Health Center Workforce Well-being Initiative: HRSA will examine the factors that affect workforce well-being, distribute evidence-based practices promoting workforce well-being, and target technical assistance.
- Social Determinants of Health: HRSA provides Health Care for the Homeless funded health centers with resources to develop for collection and utilization of social risk factor data to improve patient-centered health delivery.
- Diabetes Quality Improvement Initiative: HRSA provides health centers with information about the initiative, promising practices, and resources to improve the quality of their diabetes programs.
Health Center Program Quality Improvement initiatives align with the National Quality Strategy and support the efforts of health centers toward:
- Better care for patients
- Healthy communities
- Lower health care costs
These initiatives assist health centers in the development and implementation of ongoing quality improvement through an array of policies and programs, funding, training and technical assistance, data and information sharing, and partnerships and collaborations.
National Quality Recognition
The HRSA Accreditation and Patient-Centered Medical Home Recognition Initiative supports recognition for health centers that meet national quality standards. HRSA contracts with these accreditation and recognition organizations to support, evaluate, and recognize participating health centers for meeting standards for ambulatory health care accreditation, Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) recognition, or both:
- The Joint Commission (TJC): Ambulatory health care accreditation and PCMH recognition
- The Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC): Ambulatory health care accreditation and PCMH recognition
- The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA): PCMH recognition
Expansion and Integration of Health Services
- Behavioral Health and Primary Care Integration
- HIV, Hepatitis, and Health Centers
- Oral Health and Primary Care Integration
- HRSA Technical Assistance Resource: Family Planning and Related Services in Health Centers (PDF): This Technical Assistance Resource (TAR): 1) outlines related health center scope of project requirements and other Health Center Program requirements; and 2) provides evidence-based recommendations and resources to support health centers to provide high quality family planning services, including how to address potential barriers to providing the full-range of family planning services.
- March 14, 2023, HRSA Technical Assistance: Health Center Excellence in Family Planning
- Webinar
- Webinar Transcript (PDF)
- Webinar Slides (PDF - 925 KB)
- March 14, 2023, HRSA Technical Assistance: Health Center Excellence in Family Planning
- Partnerships between Schools and HRSA-Supported Health Centers: 10 Need-to-Know Tips (PDF - 139 KB): This TAR provides background, key takeaways, and additional resources for schools interested in establishing partnerships with HRSA-supported health centers. Health centers can share the TAR with schools who are interested in partnering with them.