How do I select a vendor?
This resource assists organizations in selecting EHR software and beginning the planning to support the selected EHR system. Most organizations develop an initial plan to identify their key goals, conduct a vendor assessment, select an EHR system that supports these goals, and finalize their plan after the selection.
Selection or upgrade to a certified EHR
This resource presents different factors affecting the workflow of planning and selecting an EHR system.
Vendor pricing template
This tool is recommended for organizations that have made the commitment to implement or upgrade to certified EHR systems.
EHR contracts: key contract terms for users to understand
This resource (PDF - 500 KB) presents an introduction to the basic terms and concepts regarding EHR contracting. It includes information on vendor contract negotiations.
RFP template for health information technology
This request for proposals (RFP) template (DOCX - 1 MB) is intended to aid providers and health IT implementers throughout the EHR vendor selection process. This template can be used to structure requests for vendors to send proposals on the specific health IT item to be acquired.
EHR implementation go-live plan
This go-live planning checklist (DOCX) is intended to aid providers and health IT implementers in planning for EHR implementation.
ONC dashboard and transparency list
This website is updated weekly to provide links each developer's mandatory disclosure statement and indicates the developer's response to the Transparency Attestation.