To become a HRSA-supported health center, you can apply for
- Health Center Program funding.
- Designation as a Health Center Program look-alike.
Apply for Health Center Program funding
There are two types of funding that allow you to join the program. Both require you to compete against other applicants.
New Access Points (NAP)
Funding is for new sites in medically underserved areas or for medically underserved populations. Use MUA Find.We announce a NAP funding opportunity when Congress allocates funds to expand the Health Center Program.
Service Area Competition (SAC)
Funding is for continued services in an area that a health center currently serves.We announce a SAC when a current health center’s period of performance is ending. This is generally every three years.
Am I eligible?
You can apply for NAP or SAC funding if you:
- Are a public or nonprofit entity.
- Serve areas or populations that lack access to primary care.
- Comply with program requirements.
Read the eligibility section of the notice of funding opportunity. It lays out the complete criteria.
Where do I find current funding opportunities?
- Find BPHC grant funding
- Sign up for the Primary Health Care Digest weekly email
Apply to be a LAL
LALs provide similar care and must follow the same rules as HRSA-funded health centers. They share many benefits, but do not receive Health Center Program funding.
Apply for LAL Initial Designation (LAL ID) at any time. You do not compete with others.
Am I eligible?
You can apply for LAL ID if you:
- Are a public or nonprofit entity.
- Serve areas or populations that lack access to primary care.
- Comply with all program requirements.
Read the eligibility section of the LAL ID application instructions (PDF - 652 KB).
Get training and technical assistance (TA)
We fund cooperative agreements and grants to more than 100 national and regional partners. They provide training and TA for health centers and others who want to join the Health Center Program.
Find health centers near you
It’s important that health centers work together. We want to create a community-wide system of care. We also want to use our resources efficiently.
Use these tools to help you apply: