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  2. Patient and Budget Calculator

Patient and Budget Calculator

If you're applying for SAC/SAC-AA, use this tool to determine the allowable funding request.

Base it on the unduplicated number of patients you project to serve on Form 1A: General Information Worksheet of the application.


Refer to the Service Area Announcement Table (SAAT). There, get the service area Patient Target and Total Funding amounts.

Enter values in the following steps.

Then, select "Calculate".

1. Service area Patient Target from the SAAT:

2. Projected number of unduplicated patients that you expect to serve by 12/31/2026 (Same as what you entered on Form 1A of the application:

Calculated percentage of the Patient Target projected to be served (to maintain eligibility, this cannot be less than 75%): 

3. Service area Total Funding amount from the SAAT:

Calculated maximum allowable amount of federal funding request, to be entered on the SF-424A of the application (requested federal funding entered on the SF-424A must not exceed this amount):

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