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FY25 PCA NCC Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to common questions about the fiscal year 2025 (FY25) State and Regional Primary Care Association (PCA) Non-Competing Continuation (NCC) progress report. We’ll add new questions and answers as we get them.

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What the program requires

Must all PCA training and technical assistance (T/TA) activities be available at no cost to existing and potential health centers in the state/region?

When PCAs can and cannot charge for T/TA

Cannot charge participants May charge participants
T/TA supported solely with HRSA funds T/TA supported with a mix of HRSA and non-HRSA funds to offset non-HRSA funded costs if the PCA can show that the charge is not a barrier to access

PCAs must ensure access to T/TA services without regard to health center award/designation status, PCA membership status, or location within the state or region.

PCAs may be noncompliant with the award’s terms and conditions if they refuse to work with an existing or potential health center. They may incur penalties for this as 45 CFR 75.371 outlines.

(Updated: 1/7/2025)

Developing and submitting your report

Can I work on my FY 2025 Project Work Plan (PWP) before I complete my FY 2024 Progress Update?

Yes, you can work on the FY 2025 PWP at the same time or before you complete the FY 2024 progress update. However, the FY 2025 PWP will not prepopulate correctly in the EHBs system if you do not save your completed FY 2024 Progress Update first.

(Updated: 1/7/2025)

What time periods should I use to report progress?

The Project Narrative Update covers progress between July 1, 2024, and December 31, 2024, and anticipated progress from January 1, 2025, through June 30, 2025.

FY24 progress update Time period it covers
Numerical progress towards objective targets July 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024
Narrative progress Through December 31, 2024
Narrative anticipated progress on activities January 1, 2025 – June 30, 2025

FY 2025 PWP includes your plans for the FY 2025 budget period (July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026).

(Updated: 1/7/2025)

How will I know if I was successful in submitting my progress report in HRSA EHBs?

EHBs will generate a confirmation page immediately after you submit your report.

(Updated: 1/7/2025)

What if I do not see the confirmation page after I submit my progress report?

The progress report may still be in your EHBs queue marked "in progress." If this occurs, review the progress report summary page to determine which sections you must complete before you can submit it.

You may also contact Health Center Program Support using the BPHC Contact Form.

(Updated: 1/7/2025)

Updating progress and developing data

What do I put in the T/TA Session Current Numeric Progress field?

Put the number of formal T/TA sessions from July 1, 2024, through December 31, 2024.

We consider T/TA formal when it is scheduled, structured, and has specific objectives and outcomes. Do not count T/TA sessions that do not meet these criteria in your calculations.

(Updated: 1/7/2025)

What do I include in the Participation Target Current Numeric Progress field?

Report the number of health center attendees that participated across all formal T/TA sessions from July 1, 2024, through December 31, 2024.

Count individuals who participated in more than one T/TA session for each session they attended (for example, someone who took part in three formal T/TA sessions would count as three).

(Updated: 1/7/2025)

What should I include in the Participant Rating of Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) Usefulness Target—Progress Number field?

Base it on the average (mean) of all formal T/TA session participant surveys you gave that assess T/TA activities conducted from July 1, 2024, through December 31, 2024.

Your surveys should use a five-point satisfaction rating scale, where a score of five represents the highest level of satisfaction or behavior change.

Include two decimal points in your progress report. Do not include scores that used a different assessment methodology.

(Updated: 1/7/2025)

How should I report the progress I make from January 1, 2025, through February 11, 2025?

You may list progress on specific activities from January 1, 2025, through February 11, 2025, in the Anticipated Progress field of your FY 2025 Progress Update, noting what you’ve completed and the date you completed it.

Only consider progress achieved through December 31, 2024, when calculating your targets or discussing your target progress in the target progress narrative fields.

(Updated: 1/7/2025)

What does the Progress Toward Target Percentage field measure?

It describes how close you are to achieving your Objective Target. We automatically calculate it using the formula: (Current Number - Baseline Number) ÷ (Objective Target - Baseline Number) × 100.

(Updated: 1/7/2025)

What should I enter if I have not progressed on my Formal T/TA Session, Participation, Participant Satisfaction, and/or Participant Behavior Change Targets?

Enter 0 in the appropriate Target Current Numeric Progress field and explain why you have not progressed in the corresponding Progress Narrative Update field.

(Updated: 1/7/2025)

Project Work Plan

What should we do if an Optional Objective our PCA selected is no longer a high priority?

While you cannot delete an Objective, you may adjust or remove activities. You will still need a minimum of two, though.

You should explain the priority shift in your Objective Impact Narrative.

(Updated: 1/7/2025)

Are state PCAs that cover two or more states and Regional PCAs allowed to have state-specific activities?

If you are serving multiple states, this may result in state-specific activities. In this case, you must dedicate at least one activity to each state for each required objective, though a single activity may cover multiple states.

You may allocate remaining activities between individual states to best support the health center's achievement of the five goals we describe in the Purpose section of the FY 2024 PCA NOFO.

Note: Regional PCAs must work with state PCAs on all T/TA activities to ensure you do not duplicate efforts.

(Updated: 1/7/2025)


Do I need to submit my Attachment 2: Staffing Plan if I have not updated it since last time?


(Updated: 1/7/2025)

Who do you consider Key Personnel?

Anyone you noted in your FY 2024 PCA application in Attachment 2: Staffing Plan and Attachment 4: Biographical Sketches of Key Personnel.

Note any changes to these positions or the staff occupying these positions in Attachment 3: Job Descriptions for Key Personnel and Attachment 4: Biographical Sketches of Key Personnel of your progress report.

(Updated: 1/7/2025)

If a new state PCA CEO has been appointed since the Regional Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was signed, does this mean I should resubmit an MOA as Attachment 6: MOA for Regional PCAs Only?

As a regional PCA, you must resubmit a signed Regional Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) documenting support from the current state PCA CEOs in the selected region.

If you cannot get signatures from all current state PCA CEO leadership, you must document all efforts you made to get the signatures and explain why you could not receive them in the Collaboration section of the Project Narrative Update.

(Updated: 1/7/2025)

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