FTCA-Deemed Health Centers
Find Health Center Program recipients that have been deemed as Public Health Service (PHS) employees.
Find Health Center Program recipients that have been deemed as Public Health Service (PHS) employees.
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The application process and guidance for submitting deeming applications for Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) medical malpractice coverage are detailed within Program Assistance Letter (PAL) 2025-01 (PDF - 656 KB).
Health centers may submit an initial deeming application via the electronic, web based HRSA Electronic Handbooks (EHBs) at any time during the year when the system is open to accept applications. However, we strongly suggest that grantees request initial FTCA coverage well before their desired coverage start date.
After reviewing the FTCA PAL, grantees submitting an initial deeming application should consult with the FTCA Program if they have any additional questions. Coverage for initial applicants will begin on the date their application is approved.
All currently deemed grantees must submit an FTCA redeeming application and submit redeeming applications for any sub-recipients (as applicable) on or before June 27, 2025, to be eligible to be deemed for the entirety of CY 2026 without a gap in coverage.
Grantees are responsible for ensuring that the information needed to complete their redeeming application has been successfully submitted to us through the EHBs. If additional information or clarification is necessary to support an application, we may notify the grantee through the EHBs. The grantee will be given ten (10) business days from the date of such EHBs notification to resubmit the application with the requested information. Grantees must provide a timely response to all requests for information to assure a timely review and notification. Grantees who do not offer a responsive submission within ten (10) business days after receiving notice may have their application determined incomplete and voided. If the application is voided, the grantee will receive notification and will be required to resubmit its redeeming application if it wishes to obtain deemed status.
We will periodically update this section to include presentations and resources that will focus on the application preparation, submission, and deeming process.
BPHC has adopted a Federally Supported Health Centers Assistance Act (FSHCAA) Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) Deemed Status Badge. The badge recognizes health centers that HRSA has deemed Public Health Service employees under the Federally Supported Health Centers Assistance Act (FSHCAA). To reference usage guidelines, view the FSHCAA FTCA Deemed Status Badge page.
Sponsoring health centers can submit applications for calendar year (CY) 2026 coverage by visiting the FTCA VHP website and the VHP PAL (PDF - 286 KB). Deemed health centers approved by HRSA to submit a streamlined VHP application in specific emergencies can refer to the VHP Emergency Deeming PAL (PDF - 244 KB) and the FTCA Emergency Management Guide (PDF - 383 KB).
Free clinics that apply for the first time to the FTCA Free Clinic Program will be required to have a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number and be registered within the System for Award Management (SAM), to create an account and submit an initial application via the EHBs. Please see the current PAL (PDF - 375 KB) for more information about the new initial application process.
Free clinics that currently sponsor deemed individuals must reapply annually for continued FTCA coverage. The annual redeeming application form should be submitted using HRSA’s web-based Electronic Handbook (EHB) system. For more information, see the current PAL (PDF - 375 KB).
Sponsoring free clinics may wish to add additional eligible individuals for deemed status during the year. To supplement the free clinic’s list of covered individuals, a supplemental application must be completed and submitted using the EHBs.
As a part of continued efforts to streamline and automate data reporting processes, the Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC) has developed a Free Clinic FTCA deeming module within the EHBs. View the EHBs.
All Initial, Redeeming, and Supplemental applications require an attachment explaining any and all disciplinary actions and medical malpractice claims alleged against the eligible individuals the free clinic is sponsoring for deeming. This information is necessary for the past ten years for new applicants and five years for renewal applicants. Please do not attach a National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) report. These reports do not describe the actions the sponsoring free clinic or the applicant took in response to the claims.
For assistance, please use the BPHC Contact Form or call 877-464-4772, Option 1. 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ET, Monday - Friday (except federal holidays).