Health Center Resource Clearinghouse
Find training and technical assistance (T/TA) resources relevant to health centers at the Health Center Resource Clearinghouse. Ask questions about resources and get connected with our technical assistance partners.
Health Center Controlled Networks
Health Center Controlled Networks (HCCN) are groups of health centers and look-alikes working together to improve clinical practices. They help health centers improve value-based care by making health information technology easier for patients and providers to use, increasing the security of patient information, and using data to improve patient care.
National Training and Technical Assistance Partners
National Training and Technical Assistance Partners (NTTAP) are organizations that provide national-level T/TA to existing and potential health centers to improve operations and deliver comprehensive primary care services.
Primary Care Associations
Primary Care Associations (PCA) are state or regional nonprofit organizations that use HRSA funds to provide T/TA to health centers and look-alikes.
National Advisory Council on Migrant Health
The National Advisory Council on Migrant Health advises, consults, and makes recommendations on the health and welfare of migratory and seasonal agricultural workers.