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Health Center Stories

HRSA-funded health centers share what they’ve done to promote public health and provide primary care services in underserved areas across the nation. 

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71-77 of 77 Stories

A Prescription for Produce is Just What the Doctor Ordered

Topic: Community Outreach
State: Maryland
Publication Date:

If you want kids to learn about good nutrition, hitting the books does not do the trick. They learn more when they get a chance to shop for fresh, good food and eat it.

Facilitating Rapid Linkage to Care

Topic: Health Center Staff
State: Texas
Publication Date:

At the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, CommUnityCare Health Centers in Central Texas held a vital role in community-wide, high-throughput testing.

Getting 20,000 Masks (and Thousands of Tests) Out the Door

Topic: COVID-19 Response
State: Illinois
Publication Date:

PCC Community Wellness Center provides care to over 47,000 patients on the West, Northwest, and South Sides of Chicago and Near West suburbs and serves mainly African American and Hispanic populations

Produce and Self-Test Give-Away in Observance of National Nutrition Month

Topic: COVID-19 Response
State: Alabama
Publication Date:

In observance of National Nutrition Month — a nutrition education and information campaign sponsored each year by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics — Central North Alabama Health Services, Inc. (CNAHS) worked with the Food Bank of North Alabama to host two produce distribution events that included giving out COVID-19 at-home self-tests.

Taking to the Airwaves to Knock Out COVID

Topic: Community Outreach
State: New York
Publication Date:

The Community Health Center of Buffalo, Inc. (CHCB, Inc.) worked with WNED PBS to host a televised program, “Friday Night Fight! Knock Out COVID!" on February 18.

Getting COVID-19 Tests to the Homeless and Residents of Public Housing

Topic: COVID-19 Response
State: Pennsylvania
Publication Date:

In January 2022, Union Community Care (Lancaster, PA) received 16,200 COVID-19 at-home self-tests through the HRSA COVID-19 Testing Supply Program. They have shared these tests with community partners, including Water Street Mission, which reaches thousands of residents in Lancaster County and provides shelter to those experiencing homelessness.