HRSA-funded health centers across the nation have distinguished themselves in promoting public health and providing primary care services in underserved areas. The examples below are a snapshot of the exemplary work health centers have carried out across the country.
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Feature story: Oklahoma Center’s Emphasis on Women’s Health Brings Success
The Good Shepherd Community Clinic held a special outreach event for women and girls, and thousands came out for it.
In January 2022, Keystone Rural Health Center (Chambersburg, PA) received 16,200 COVID-19 at-home self-tests through the HRSA COVID-19 Testing Supply Program. One of the health center’s focuses is providing health care to migrant and seasonal agricultural workers (MSAWs) in Franklin County.
The Community Health Center of Buffalo, Inc. (CHCB, Inc.) worked with WNED PBS to host a televised program, “Friday Night Fight! Knock Out COVID!" on February 18.
Esperanza Health Centers has been one of the top pediatric COVID-19 vaccine providers in Chicago, according to the city’s Department of Public Health. They have administered more than 10,000 immunizations to adolescents ages 12-17.