Utilization, Quality, and Spending for Pediatric Medicaid Enrollees with Primary Care in Health Centers vs Non-Health Centers
What does this study add? HRSA-funded researchers found that on average, $240 are saved on total expenditures per pediatric health center patient compared to those receiving care at a non-health center. $300 per pediatric patient were saved on non-primary care outpatient spending, and $137 per pediatric patient were saved on pharmacy spending. Pediatric health center patients produced similar levels of emergency department spending, but for inpatient visits, $51 per pediatric health center patient were saved.
What are the implications for the Health Center Program? Findings suggest that the delivery of primary care services at a health center may be associated with a more cost-effective model of healthcare for children. Overall, the findings of lower spending and comparable quality among health center patients underscore the importance of expanding such models of care that can optimize utilization, quality, and cost, especially for Medicaid populations.