NAP Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to questions about the fiscal year 2025 (FY25) New Access Points (NAP) funding opportunity.

See Apply for FY25 New Access Points for more information. 

Submit other questions through the BPHC Contact Form. Under Funding, select:

  1. Applications for Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs)
  2.  New Access Points (NAP)  

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Getting started

How can I access the NAP Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) and application package?

  • Go to
  • Under Search Grants, enter HRSA-25-085 in the Opportunity Number field
  • Select:
    1. The link for HRSA-25-085
    2. Package
    3. Preview in the Actions column 
    4. Download Instructions in the Opportunity Package Details
    5. Apply button to create your workspace package

(Added: 6/24/2024)

What does it mean that funding depends on the appropriation of funds?

NAP funding is subject to the availability of additional funds in the FY25 federal budget. We opened NAP for applications now to give you time to apply. We also want to be able to process applications and awards without delay if funds become available. We will not make FY25 awards if Congress does not approve additional funds. 

(Added: 6/24/2024)

How do I know the unmet health care needs in a service area?

There are several ways you can determine unmet need:

(Added: 6/24/2024)

Who should I talk to about my NAP project?

You must consult with state and local government agencies (such as the health department, state Medicaid agency, state Primary Care Office) about the need for health services. You must also discuss your plans with other health care providers and get community input. 

(Added: 6/24/2024)


Does the new access point have to be in a Medically Underserved Area (MUA)?

Although the NAP site does not have to be in a MUA, if you are a new start applicant applying for CHC funding, you must serve people who live in an MUA or are a part of a Medically Underserved Population. 

To request a new MUA or MUP, contact your state Primary Care Office.

(Added: 6/24/2024)

Do I have to be currently providing health services to be eligible to apply for NAP funding?

No. However, your application must demonstrate that you plan to open your proposed NAP site(s) and begin services within 120 days of award. 

(Added: 6/24/2024)

How do I know if my proposed NAP site is located in the same building as a current health center’s site?

Use the Health Center Program GeoCare Navigator or Find a Health Center to locate current Health Center Program service sites. 

You cannot propose a site in the same building as any health center site. This includes sites waiting to be verified through a change in scope (CIS) request or through a funded Health Center Program award. You will need to talk with nearby health centers when planning your NAP project. You can discuss current and pending sites when you ask for letters of support.

(Added: 6/24/2024)

What is a “valid” street address?

A valid address is a street address, like 100 Main Street. It is not a PO Box or intersection. “To be determined” is not acceptable. 

(Added: 6/24/2024)

How do I show that my organization will perform a substantive role in the project?

A substantive role may include providing general primary medical care directly through your own employees and sites. We also consider the contracts you attach in Form 8, if any. You cannot apply on behalf of another organization.

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Program requirements

Do I have to be compliant with the program requirements at the time of application? 

No. However, your application must demonstrate that you plan to be compliant with the Health Center Program requirements within 120 days of award. In your work plan, provide the steps you will take to become fully compliant within 120 days of award. See the Health Center Program Compliance Manual for details.

(Added: 6/24/2024)

How do you define general primary medical care?

General primary medical care services address prevention as well as acute and chronic conditions. They include assessment, diagnosis, screening, education, treatment, referrals, and follow-up. For more information, see the Service Descriptors for Form 5A: Services Provided (PDF - 315 KB).

(Added: 6/24/2024)

What happens if I am not able to open all proposed sites within 120 days? 

We will condition your award if you do not verify that a site is open within 120 days. That condition will provide you with up to 120 more days to open your site. If you do not resolve a site-related condition within the additional time, we may not continue your NAP award. 

(Added: 6/24/2024)

Can I propose a mobile unit? 

Yes, with the following considerations: 

  • New start and look-alike applicants must propose a full-time, fixed site. You can propose a mobile site in addition to the required fixed site. 
  • Satellite applicants must propose a full-time site. This site can be a mobile unit. 
  • A mobile unit must meet the definition of a service site listed at Scope of Project
  • Mobile units that are not used for direct patient care are not service sites. 
  • You cannot propose a mobile unit as a NAP site if it is already in your scope of project.

(Added: 6/24/2024)

Can I use NAP funding to provide telehealth services?

Yes. You may offer telehealth services in addition to in-person care at your NAP site(s). Telehealth-only hours do not count toward full-time hours of operation.

You will describe in the Project Narrative which required services you will not provide in-person at your NAP site(s) and how you will make those services accessible to all patients.

For examples of telehealth scenarios, see PAL 2020-01: Telehealth and Health Center Scope of Project (PDF - 176 KB).

(Added: 6/24/2024)

Does the health center board have to approve the NAP application?

Yes. Board minutes should show that the board approved your application and budget. You should not submit these minutes with your application.

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Unmet need score

What is the Unmet Need Score (UNS)?

The UNS ranks health-related measures for every ZIP code. We use the UNS to assess unmet need for health care services. We calculate your UNS based on the service area ZIP codes you enter in Form 5B: Service Sites. See Apply for FY25 New Access Points for additional UNS resources, including a webinar, resource guide, and UNS Map Tool

(Added: 6/24/2024)

How does the UNS impact my application?

The UNS is higher in areas with greater need. The UNS goes up to 100 points. The NAP UNS Conversion Table shows how we convert the UNS from the 100-point scale to the 20-point scale for your application. The converted UNS will be up to 20 points of your total NAP application score.

(Added: 6/24/2024)

Is the UNS different for look-alike applicants? 

Only if a look-alike applicant proposes a new, full-time site that provides primary medical care as its main purpose. For this type of look-alike applicant, we will calculate the UNS using the service area ZIP codes listed on your Form 5B for only your new site(s). We will also calculate the UNS based on all the service area ZIP codes listed in Form 5B: Service Sites for all sites. We will use the higher UNS for your NAP application.

(Added: 6/24/2024)


How do I complete the SF-424A Budget Information form?

See the NOFO for instructions for each section of the SF-424A. The SF-424A video provides helpful tips about the form. 

(Added: 6/24/2024)

What are the sub-programs on the SF-424A: Budget Information form?

The sub-programs reflect the population type(s) you are proposing to serve. This includes Community Health Center (CHC), Migrant Health Center (MHC), Health Care for the Homeless (HCH), and Public Housing Primary Care (PHPC). You may request funding to serve one or more population types.

(Added: 6/24/2024)

Should I include my current Health Center Program (H80) budget in my NAP budget?

No. The NAP budget should only include the revenue and expenses related to your proposed NAP project. This includes costs that will be charged to the NAP award and non-federal funds you plan to use to support the project. For example, include only personnel that support sites proposed on Form 5B: Service Sites in your NAP application. See the SF-424A (PDF - 189 KB) and Sample Budget Narrative resources on Apply for FY25 New Access Points for more information.

(Added: 8/27/2024)

What non-federal funding should I include in my budget?

Include program income and non-federal funds that will support your NAP project. If you are a satellite applicant, do not duplicate non-federal resources included on your H80 award or any other Health Center Program award. Enter non-federal funds in both your SF-424A Budget Information Form and Budget Narrative attachment.

(Added: 6/24/2024)

Can I include indirect costs in my budget if I don’t have an approved indirect cost rate?

Yes. If you do not have a negotiated indirect cost rate, you may charge a de minimis rate of 10 percent of modified total direct costs (MTDC). See 2 CFR 200.1 to learn which costs make up MTDC. If you choose this method, you must use it for all federal awards until you choose to negotiate for a rate. See Section 5.1.v. in the Two-Tier Application Guide (PDF - 644 KB) for more information.

(Added: 6/24/2024)

What is the salary limitation? 

NAP funds may not be used to pay a salary over Federal Executive Level II (PDF - 3 KB), which is $221,900 (effective January 1, 2024). This is the annualized base salary, including bonuses and overtime, but not including fringe. 

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Forms and attachments

How do I complete the fields in the SF-424 submitted in

See the SF-424 form instructions (PDF - 290 KB). This table provides guidance specific to the NAP application.

Box Number Field Response
1 Type of Submission  Application
2  Type of Application
  •  “New” if you are not a current Health Center Program award recipient (look-alikes should select New)
  • “Revision” if you are a current Health Center Program award recipient. Then select “Other” and type “Supplement” and your H80 number
3 Date Received Leave blank (completed automatically in
4 Applicant Identifier   Enter your 10-digit H80 or LAL number, as applicable 
5a Federal Entity Identifier Leave blank
5b Federal Award Identifier Enter your 10-digit H80 number, if you are a current award recipient
12 Funding Opportunity Number HRSA-25-085
14 Areas Affected by Project  Leave blank and do not include an attachment.
15 Descriptive Title of Applicant’s project Enter Health Center Program New Access Points
16 Congressional Districts Include the congressional district for your main site. Do not include an attachment. 
17 Proposed Project Start and End Dates June 1, 2025, to May 31, 2026
18 Estimated Funding ($)  Enter NAP funding request in a. Federal box (up to $650,000)
19 Is Application Subject to Review Under Executive Order 12372 Process? 

Select a. if your state is included in the SPOC list (PDF - 332 KB).

If not, select b. Program is subject to E.O. 12372 but has not been selected by the State for review.

(Added: 8/14/2024)

What is the Project Work Plan?

The Project Work Plan outlines the activities that you will conduct over the 1-year period of performance.

You will describe the steps you will take to meet the two NAP objectives within 120 days of award:

  • Open all proposed sites and start providing health care. 
  • Be compliant with all Health Center Program requirements.

See Apply for FY25 New Access Points for a sample Work Plan.

(Added: 6/24/2024)

My health center is compliant with all the program requirements. How do I complete the required compliance-related activities in the Project Work Plan? 

State your compliance in the Key Action Step(s) column and describe actions you’ll take to make sure new sites and services are compliant. 

(Added: 6/24/2024)

What address and service area do I use for a mobile site?

On Form 5B: Service Sites, list the address where you will park the mobile unit overnight. It can be parked at a site that is already in your scope of project. Also on Form 5B, you will enter the ZIP codes for the area that the mobile unit will serve (where most of your patients will come from). You do not have to include the ZIP code where the mobile unit is parked overnight if you will not use the mobile unit to serve patients in that ZIP code.

(Added: 8/27/2024)

Do I have to include documentation in Attachment 12 if I propose a mobile site?

If the address for the mobile unit is within 1 mile of another health center’s service site, you will need to provide the extra documentation detailed on pages 38-40 of the NAP NOFO in Attachment 12. You do not need to provide extra documentation if the only sites within 1 mile of where your mobile unit is parked are your own sites. Based on your service area ZIP codes on Form 5B, if the Health Center Program serves 50% or more of the low-income population in your proposed service area, you will need to provide the extra documentation in Attachment 12.

(Added: 8/27/2024)

Who do I need to get letters of support from?

You should provide letters of support from each of the following health care providers with a service site in your proposed service area:

  • Health centers (including look-alikes) 
  • Rural health clinics and critical access hospitals

If the Health Center Program serves 50% or more of the low-income population in your proposed service area, you should request a letter from the health centers that serve the majority of patients in the area, even if those health centers are located outside of your proposed service area.

If you cannot get a letter of support from all these organizations, provide proof that you requested a letter in Attachment 9. Letters of support do not count toward the 90-page limit. 

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Minor alteration/renovation (A/R) and equipment

How much can I request for one-time funding activities?

You may request to use up to $250,000 for equipment and minor A/R combined. This is part of, and not in addition to, the $650,000 in federal funding you may request.

(Added: 6/24/2024)

Can I use NAP funding to pay for part of a large equipment purchase, like a mobile unit?

Yes. You can use up to $250,000 toward the cost of a mobile unit. You can use other funds to cover the remaining cost.

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How do you define minor A/R? 

Minor A/R is a stand-alone project consisting of work in an existing facility. Installing fixed equipment, flooring, painting, carpeting, or improving the inside or outside of a building are all part of an A/R project. 

Your total minor A/R costs may exceed what you can request through NAP. The total federal and non-federal cost of your minor A/R project, excluding the cost of moveable equipment, must be less than $1,000,000. You cannot use funding for new construction activities, new parking surfaces, or major A/R with a total project cost of $1,000,000 or more. See Apply for FY25 New Access Points for one-time funding forms and instructions.

(Added: 6/24/2024)

If I want to use funding for minor A/R, what are the environmental and historic preservation requirements?

See the Environmental and Historic Preservation Technical Assistance. You must submit the A/R forms in your application so we can determine which requirements apply to your project. Minor A/R projects typically do not require a full Environmental Assessment under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). 

(Added: 6/24/2024)

Is a Notice of Federal Interest (NFI) required for minor A/R projects completed with NAP funds?

An NFI is not required for allowable minor A/R projects for NAP, although federal interest exists for the useful life of the A/R funded under this award. For information regarding federal interest, see the FAQ: Federal Interest in Property (PDF - 500 KB).

(Added: 6/24/2024)

Application submission

When can I begin the Electronic Handbooks (EHBs) submission process?

You can begin the EHBs portion of your application after you submit the portion. You must complete Phase 1 in by the due date before you can begin Phase 2 in EHBs. We encourage you to apply early in to give yourself plenty of time to complete the EHBs phase of the application process. At the latest, you must complete Phase 1 in by August 30, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. ET.

Once you complete Phase 1 in, the Authorizing Official Representative (AOR) will receive a confirmation email containing the tracking number to access your application in EHBs.

(Updated: 8/1/2024)

How will I get notified if I successfully apply in and EHBs? will send emails to the Workspace owner and the AOR once you submit in If you do not receive your EHBs tracking number within 3 business days of your submission, contact EHBs Technical Support using the BPHC Contact Form.

In EHBs, all validation errors must be resolved before the application can be submitted to us. The Authorizing Official (AO) selected as the Authorized Representative in the SF-424 Part 2 section of your application must submit the application. After you select Submit to AO, be sure to have the AO submit the application to us before the EHBs deadline. The status of the application in EHBs will appear as "Application Submitted to HRSA." The application will move from your Not Completed application list to your Recently Completed list.

You will receive an email notification after your application is successfully submitted to HRSA in EHBs. The notification will go to individuals with the following EHBs roles: Application Owner, Authorizing Official, Business Official, and Project Director.  

(Updated: 9/25/2024)

Who has permission to submit my application in EHBs?

While working in the NAP application in EHBs, go to the SF-424 Part 2 section at the beginning of the application. The person listed as the Authorized Representative on the bottom of the page can submit your application to HRSA.

You can update who is listed as the Authorized Representative on the SF-424 Part 2 form by selecting Update on the right. You may only select an individual who has the AO role in EHBs to serve as the Authorized Representative. If multiple people from your organization have the AO role, you must select just one of them as the Authorized Representative for this application. If no one from your organization has the AO role, you can assign that role from within the SF-424 Part 2 section of your application. You can also use this resource guide (PDF - 301 KB) to check and change the AO in EHBs outside of your application.

You should plan well in advance of the application deadline to make sure the Authorized Representative you select is the one who will be able to complete the final submission steps in EHBs on time. View this EHBs Application Submission Tutorial for details.

(Added: 9/25/2024)

Can I make changes to an application that I already submitted in EHBs?

The AO may reopen the application in EHBs before the EHBs deadline. Reopen Submitted Applications provides step-by-step instructions. The AO must resubmit the reopened application in EHBs by 5:00 p.m. ET on October 2, 2024.

(Updated: 9/18/2024)

Application review and selection

Do you make award decisions based solely on the merit review? 

No. As described in the Application Review Information section of the NOFO, your application score is based on three components:

  1. Merit review: Subject matter experts evaluate each application using the review criteria in the NOFO. This score goes up to 80 points. 
  2. UNS: You will get up to 20 points for the UNS. 
  3. Priority Points: If you meet the criteria for any of the three funding priorities, we will add up to 20 points to your score.

When we make award decisions, we also consider:

  • Past performance and compliance
  • Risk assessments
  • Urban/rural distribution of awards 
  • Proportion of funding for each health center population type (CHC, HCH, MHC, PHPC)
  • Proportion of funding for public agencies 
  • Your proposed service area

(Added: 6/24/2024)

How do I get priority points?

NAP has three funding priorities.

If you meet the criteria listed in the NOFO, we will add extra points to your application score: 

  • High-Need Area (5 points)
  • Sparsely Populated Area (5 points)
  • Health Center Program Look-Alikes (10 points): 
    • Performance (5 points) 
    • New Site (5 points)

(Added: 6/24/2024)

I am a current look-alike. Do I automatically get the 10 priority points?

No. Only look-alikes designated before October 1, 2023, qualify for priority points. We will add five points if you meet all five performance criteria. If you receive the performance-based points, we will add five more points if you propose a new full-time service site. See details on page 37 of the NOFO. 

(Added: 6/24/2024)

Will my application be reviewed if I propose a site close to another health center or far from my closest site?

Yes. Subject matter experts review and score all eligible applications based on the criteria on pages 33-36 of the NOFO. Information about geographic and service area expansion concerns is on pages 38-40.

You must provide extra information in Attachment 12 if:

  • Your proposed site is within 1 mile of another health center.
  • The Health Center Program serves more than 50% of the low-income population in your proposed service area (per GeoCare Navigator).
  • You select “urban” on Form 1A and your proposed NAP site is more than 15 miles from your closest current service site or your closest proposed NAP site.
  • You select “rural” on Form 1A, and your proposed NAP site is more than 30 miles from your closest current service site or your closest proposed NAP site.

When making final funding decisions, we consider your entire application, along with available service area information. We rely on the information you provide to help us understand how you think your proposal makes sense in your community. Note that we may not fund applications that meet these thresholds.

(Added: 8/1/2024)

What does Health Center Program penetration of the low-income population mean?

For the NAP NOFO, low-income includes people with incomes at or below 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. Health Center Program penetration is the percent of low-income people in a ZIP code that are served by any health center. We divide the total number of health center patients reported in the Uniform Data System by the total low-income population to find the penetration rate of the low-income population. A lower penetration rate indicates a higher unmet need for care. We use the penetration rate of the low-income population when making funding decisions. See pages 38-39 of the NOFO for more details. You can use the GeoCare Navigator to find penetration rates in your area.

(Added: 8/1/2024)

Is NAP funding awarded as new or supplemental awards?

All NAP funding will be awarded as new grant awards to support tracking of funds separately. 

  • New start and look-alike applicants will get an H80 award. 
  • Satellite applicants will get an H8S award. 

(Added: 6/24/2024)

If I open a proposed NAP site and add it to my Health Center Program scope of project after I submit my application, will HRSA still potentially fund my application?

In a CIS request to add a site, you must agree that you do not need additional Health Center Program funds to operate the new site as described in the CIS request. In some cases, submitting a CIS request to add a proposed NAP site to scope would allow you to secure the site and be able to fully open the site within 120 days of NAP award. If you submit a CIS request to add a proposed NAP site to the scope of project after the NAP application deadline (October 2), it does not impact the review of the NAP application. Review the Add New Service Site Checklist (PDF - 272 KB) and CIS Assurances (PDF - 171 KB) for more information. If awarded, NAP funds may not be spent on costs incurred before the project start date.

We will use the most recent Health Center Program data to make final funding decisions. See pages 38-42 of the NAP NOFO (PDF - 581 KB) for more information about the data we may use to determine the distribution of awards, geographic considerations of need, and assessment of risk. For sites that are open before NAP awards are made, we may consider to what degree the funds are still needed to support the proposed NAP project.

(Added: 9/30/2024)

If NAP applications are not funded until 2026, will my application score change?

No. If you are not funded in FY25, and we have funding in a future year to fund more applications under HRSA-25-085, the score for your NAP application will stay the same (including any priority points). However, we will use the most recent Health Center Program data to make final funding decisions. See pages 38-42 of the NAP NOFO (PDF - 581 KB) for more information about the data we may use to determine the distribution of awards, geographic considerations of need, and assessment of risk.

(Added: 9/30/2024)

Date Last Reviewed: