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Clinical Care

In this section:

Access resources to help complete the Uniform Data System (UDS) clinical tables (Table 6A: Selected Diagnoses and Services Rendered, Table 6B Quality of Care Measures, and Table 7 Health Outcomes and Disparities).

Table descriptions

The UDS clinical tables provide information on:

  • Selected diagnoses and services (including mental health, substance use disorder, vision, and dental diagnoses and services)
  • Preventive care and screening
  • Maternal and children’s health
  • Chronic disease management 


Table Fact Sheets define key terms, highlight changes from the prior year, explain how UDS data are used, provide helpful hints for completing the UDS tables, and outline the importance of cross-table relationships and considerations.

New eCQM Encounter Code Guide (XLSX - 396 KB) This workbook contains guidance from each electronic clinical quality measure's specifications outlining the qualifying encounter types that are included in the denominator of the clinical quality measures on Table 6B and 7 of the CY2024 UDS.

Telehealth Impact on Uniform Data System (UDS) Clinical Measure Reporting (PDF - 289 KB) helps health centers determine how services provided via telehealth should be considered for clinical measure denominators, numerators, and exclusion reporting in Tables 6B and 7.

2024 Table 6A Code Changes (PDF) outlines changes to Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) and International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes from before the current reporting year, by diagnosis/service on UDS Table 6A.

2024 UDS Clinical Measures Exclusions and Exceptions (PDF - 211 KB) describes how to report the clinical measure numerators and denominators as the measure stewards intended.

Updated Helpful Codes for HIV and PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) (PDF - 302 KB) provides relevant CPT and ICD codes to help identify patients for the Table 6B HIV Linkage to Care Line 20 measure and the Table 6A PrEP Management Line 21e.

2024 UDS Clinical Quality Measures (CQM) Criteria (PDF - 353 KB) describes each of the CQMs reported in UDS Tables 6B and 7. This resource also provides the major differences between CQMs captured in the UDS and electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs)  highlighting changes from prior reporting years. 

Updated Dental Sealants for Children between 6-9 Years (CMS277v0) Value Sets (PDF - 192 KB) summarizes the value sets used in the draft measure specifications (exported from the United States Health Information Knowledgebase) to assist health centers with accurate reporting.

New Tobacco Screening Resource (PDF - 236 KB) provides guidance on reporting the Tobacco Use Screening and Cessation clinical quality measure due to the missing value sets in the 2024 performance year version of the measure.

UDS Clinical Quality Measures and Healthy People 2030 Objectives and Benchmarks (PDF - 82 KB) provides a crosswalk of relevant UDS clinical quality measures to the Healthy People 2030 targets.


UDS Support Center can assist with UDS measures and requirements. Call 866-UDS-HELP or email

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