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Technical Assistance Contacts

Contacts to help with Uniform Data System (UDS) reporting and data are available. Choose the most appropriate channel below.

UDS Support Center

The UDS Support Center offers assistance with UDS measures and requirements. 

Examples of when to use the UDS Support Center: When you have questions about a particular UDS measure’s specifications, when you are looking for particular answers for your health center’s unique UDS reporting questions, and when seeking guidance about countable visits. 

Phone: 866-837-4357 (866-UDS-HELP)


Electronic Handbooks (EHBs) Help

Help with completing and submitting UDS Reports via the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) EHBs is available.

Examples of when to use this support include: Reporting access/technical submission issues in the EHBs, diagnosing EHBs system issues, and accessing EHBs technical assistance materials related to the UDS reporting environment.

Phone: 877-464-4772

Send inquiries via the BPHC Contact Form by selecting Technical Support, EHBs Tasks/EHBs Technical Issues.


EHBs Account Access and Roles

Provides assistance with EHBs account setup, password assistance, roles and privileges account setup, and determining whether a competing application is with or HRSA.

Phone: 877-464-4772

Send inquiries via the BPHC Contact Form by selecting Technical Support, EHBs Tasks/EHBs Technical Issues, EHBs Privileges. 



Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) UDS Data Requests

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) may be submitted to request a broader set of health center-level UDS data for research purposes.


Proposed Future Changes to UDS Reporting

Comments regarding proposed future changes to the UDS can be submitted via the BPHC Contact Form by selecting Uniform Data System, UDS Reporting. Note that substantive changes to reporting are generally made within the three-year Office of Management and Budget (OMB) review cycle for the UDS as a means for public data collection. Learn more about the UDS Modernization Initiative.

UDS Mapper

The UDS Mapper tool is an online tool that uses zip code data reported on the UDS to map health center service areas and to relate patients to community populations and resources.

Visit the UDS Mapper Website.

National Training and Technical Assistance Partners (NTTAP)

Training and technical assistance is available from national organizations with HRSA agreements to support health centers serving diverse special, vulnerable, and underserved rural, frontier, and urban populations. View the list of NTTAPs.

Primary Care Associations (PCAs)

Primary Care Associations (PCAs) are state or regional nonprofit organizations that provide training and technical assistance to safety-net providers. Learn more.


UDS Support Center offers assistance with UDS measures and requirements. Call 866-UDS-HELP or email

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