  1. Inicio
  2. Board Authority

Board Authority

In this section:

Primary Reviewer: Governance/Administrative Expert

Secondary Reviewer: N/A

Authority: Section 330(k)(3)(H) of the Public Health Service (PHS) Act; 42 CFR 51c.303(i), 42 CFR 56.303(i), 42 CFR 51c.304(d), and 42 CFR 56.304(d); and 45 CFR 75.507(b)(2)

Health Center Program Compliance Manual Related Considerations

Documents the Health Center Provides

Compliance Assessment

  1. Is the health center operated by an Indian tribe, tribal group, or Indian organization under the Indian Self-Determination Act or an Urban Indian Organization under the Indian Health Care Improvement Act?1

    Response is either: Yes or No

    NOTE: If “Yes” was selected, NONE of the questions for ANY of the elements in the Board Authority section are applicable.

Select each element below for the corresponding text of the element, site visit team methodology, and site visit finding questions.


1. The governing board of a health center operated by Indian tribes, tribal groups, or Indian organizations under the Indian Self-Determination Act or Urban Indian Organizations under the Indian Health Care Improvement Act is exempt from the specific board authority requirements discussed in [Health Center Program Compliance Manual Chapter 19: Board Authority]. Section 330(k)(3)(H) of the PHS Act.

2. This does not preclude an executive committee from taking actions on behalf of the board in emergencies, on which the full board will subsequently vote.

3. Public agencies are permitted to utilize a co-applicant governance structure for the purposes of meeting Health Center Program governance requirements. Public centers may be structured in one of two ways to meet the program requirements: 1) the public agency independently meets all the Health Center Program governance requirements based on the existing structure and vested authorities of the public agency’s governing board; or 2) together, the public agency and the co-applicant meet all Health Center Program requirements.

4. Where geography or other circumstances make monthly, in-person participation in board meetings burdensome, monthly meetings may be conducted by telephone or other means of electronic communication where all parties can both listen and speak to all other parties.

5. Boards of organizations receiving a Health Center Program award/designation only under section 330(g) may meet less than once a month during periods of the year, as specified in the bylaws, where monthly meetings are not practical due to health center patient migration out of the area. 42 CFR 56.304(d)(2).

6. The governing board of a health center is generally responsible for establishing and/or approving policies that govern health center operations, while the health center’s staff is generally responsible for implementing and ensuring adherence to these policies (including through operating procedures).

7. For more information related to the production of reports associated with these topics, see [Health Center Program Compliance Manual] Chapter 18: Program Monitoring and Data Reporting Systems, Chapter 15: Financial Management and Accounting Systems, and Chapter 10: Quality Improvement/Assurance.

8. Policies related to billing and collections that require board approval include those that address the waiving or reducing of amounts owed by patients due to inability to pay, and if applicable those that limit or deny services due to refusal to pay.

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