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  2. Patient Characteristics

Patient Characteristics

In this section:

Access resources to complete the Uniform Data System (UDS) patient characteristics and demographics tables (ZIP Code Table, Table 3A Patients by Age and Sex Assigned at Birth, Table 3B Demographic Characteristics, and Table 4 Selected Patient Characteristics).

Table descriptions

The patient characteristics and demographics tables provide information about the patients served, including their ZIP code of residence, age, sex assigned at birth, race, Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, language barriers, sexual orientation, gender identity, income, and primary third-party medical insurance. The tables also provide the number of patients from special population groups who receive services and managed care enrollment, if any.


Table Fact Sheets define key terms, highlight changes from the prior year, explain how UDS data are used, provide helpful hints for completing the UDS tables, and outline the importance of cross-table relationships and considerations.


UDS Support Center can assist with UDS measures and requirements. Call 866-UDS-HELP or email

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